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什么是全息母版的起源我们可以做什么呢?What's Holography Master Origination We Can Make?

决定最适合你自己的起源理论。Decide for yourself which origination theory best suits you.

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然后我们可以复制首创电子一株地段镍从这个副本垫片。Then we can duplicate lots nickel copy shims from this origination by electronic froming.

发展红利将成为今后中国区域经济增长的绿色动力源。Development dividend will be the green origination of reginal economical increase in China.

例如,管理员应该能够更改控制贷款发放的规则。For example, an administrator should be able to change the rules that govern loan origination.

莫言深受民间文化形态的影响,并以此作为自己小说之源。Moyan is deeply influenced by folk culture, which he regards as the origination of his novels.

本文中还讨论了蕺菜属植物的起源演化。In this article the origination and evolution of genera Houttuynia cordate is discussed as well.

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通过实验验证了乙烯是甲醇转化制丙烯过程中的起始烯烃产物。It was validated that ethylene is the origination olefin of methanol to propylene by experiments.

一切都是有原因的,这种认知来源于人类千百年来的实践和对因果律先验证明的确信。The origination of this kind of knowledge is from the practice of Man through thousands of years.

陈星桥首先向记者介绍了气功在中国的起源和发展。Mr. Chen firstly gives the reporter introductions on Qigong's origination and development in China.

南行诗是苏轼文学创作的主要起萌,具有不可替代的研究价值。These poems are genuinely the origination of his literary career, which enjoys unequal value of study.

可以对经过编排的服务进行部署,而不用担心每个服务的出处。The orchestrated services can be deployed without worrying about the origination of each individual service.

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族群间基因自由流动的障碍,是新物种形成过程中最要紧的关键。Barriers to free gene flow between populations are all-important in speciation, the origination of new species.

分析了金属型铸造铝合金摩托车减震筒铸造缺陷的产生原因。Origination of casting defects in aluminum alloy motorcycle damping cylinder in metal mould casting was analyzed.

依据佛教的缘起法,世间一切事物皆是因缘所生,世间的财富也不例外。According to the Dependent Origination Gatha in Buddhism, all dharmas arise from conditions, wealth is just the same.

本文从牵星板的来源、使用方法、论证了郑和牵星法的技术。This paper expounds Zheng He's Star Drawing Technique on the basis of the origination and uses of the Star Drawing Board.

消息会沿着从始发点开始、到终止点结束的、指定的信令路径进行传输。The message follows along the specified signaling path beginning at the origination point and ending at the destination point.

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本文系统地叙述了宁夏平原引黄灌溉的起源和发展的过程。The origination and development of irrigation for the plain in Ningxia Region are recounted in a systematic way in this paper.

明清之际是中国画学研究的酝酿期,学科特征初显。The time during the Ming and the Qing Dynasties had witnessed the origination and early development of Chinese painting studies.

作者认为甲状腺球蛋白可作为鉴别甲状腺滤泡上皮细胞源性与非滤泡上皮细胞源性的良好标记。From the result, thyroglobulin could be considered as good marker for diagnosis of tumors of thyroid follicular cell origination.