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扎头发的蝴蝶结?A hair bow.

反曲弓的尺寸。Recurve bow size.

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他潇洒地向她一鞠躬。He swept her a bow.

斯蒂芬鞠了一个躬。Stephen made a bow.

他的两条腿向里弯曲。His legs bow inward.

我们船有艏侧推器。We have bow thruster.

领结也很酷。And bow ties are cool.

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象一张未拉满的弓。And looked like a bow.

这把弓容易弯。This bow bends easily.

他还系领结。He also wears bow ties.

“哱呜!”一只狗叫。"Bow wow! " said a dog.

女儿--拿着我的弓。Daughter -- take my bow.

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日本人就行鞠躬礼。Japanese people will bow.

好啊,你鞠躬,我行礼。Now you bow and I curtsy.

他的鞠躬只是一种虚礼而已。His bow was mere ceremony.

他们拒绝在暴力面前低头。They refused to bow force.

鞋带系成蝴蝶结。We tie the laces in a bow.

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孔子又鞠了一个躬。Confucius made a bow again.

领带及领结。Ties, bow ties and cravats.

我们现在鞠躬并且乞求你!We now bow and beseech you!