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由史蒂夫前言“沃兹”沃兹涅克。Foreword by Steve "Woz" Wozniak.

这本书有一篇总统作的序言。This book has a foreword by the President.

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曼德拉确实既未读过此书,也不曾为该书作序。Mandela had indeed neither read the book nor written a foreword.

除引言和结论外,本文共分为三部分。Excepts of the foreword and conclusion, this paper includes three parts.

在该前言中,萨苏-恩格索总统被称赞为“我们伟大的非洲领袖之一”。The foreword praised Sassou-Nguesso as "one of our great African leaders".

图录包括茅为清的前言及冯博一撰写的文章。The catalogue contains a foreword by Christophe Mao and essay by Feng Boyi.

本文在引言部分概述了庐隐目前的研究现状。The foreword part of the thesis overviews the present research situation of LuYin.

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本书编排仍以遴选的散文家生年为序。This book arrangement still chose the prose household utensils year is a foreword.

图录包括茅为清的前言及唐冠科撰写的文章。This catalogue includes a foreword by Christophe W. Mao and essay by John Tancock.

图录包括茅为清的前言及张平杰撰写的文章。This catalogue contains a foreword by Christophe Mao and an essay by Michael Zhang.

“前言”概述杰姆逊的学术生涯,并引出本文论题。The foreword generally describes Jameson's academic career and then draws main part.

图录包括茅为清的前言及郑胜天撰写的文章。This catalogue contains a foreword by Christophe Mao and an essay by Zheng Shengtian.

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这不仅是写给一本书的前言,也是我对人生很大一部分的后记。This is not only a foreword to a book but also an afterword to a large chunk of my life.

为阅读方便,USPAP出版时还提供了本前言与内容目录。For convenience of reference, USPAP is published with this Foreword and a Table of Contents.

本硕士论文约三万三千字,由前言和四章构成。This master"s dissertation is about 33, 000 words, it has four chapters besides a foreword."

曼德拉已发表声明,表示自己没有为这本书作序,甚至连这本书都未曾读过。Mandela has issued a statement saying he did not write the foreword. Nor has he read the book.

南非政府今日证实了前言中的话确实是曼德拉所说。The South African government confirmed today that the words used in the foreword were Mandela's.

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在前言中主要介绍了本文的研究意义与研究概况、研究方法及创新之处。Reserch significance, survey, research technique and the innovation is introduced in the foreword.

美国资深投资银行家、百人会创始人邓兆祥为本书撰写了序言。The foreword is written by Henry S. Tang, veteran investment banker and founder of Committee of 100.

绪言简要介绍了选题与研究思路、研究综述及研究方法。The foreword embodies the topic selection, research routs, research summary and the approaches of study.