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节奏肆意地涌动就像野兽男孩他们做的那样。It had a mad rock beat like the Beastie Boys.

我不知道你这么喜欢野兽男孩乐团。I didn't know you like the Beastie Boys so much.

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这里是野兽男孩表演“凑热闹。”Here is the Beastie Boys performing "Make Some Noise."

我也唱。后来我进入野兽男孩相当困难的核心。I also sang. Later I got into the Beastie Boys pretty hard core.

其他上榜者还包括流行歌手迈克尔•杰克逊和乐队组合“野蛮男孩”的成员迈克•戴蒙德。Others included pop star Michael Jackson and nasal-voiced rapper Mike Diamond of the Beastie Boys.

我是一位传统的中国女性,温柔贤惠,善解人意。I am a traditional Chinese lady, tender, virtuous, loving, enjoy life. Like travel, sports, nature, beastie.

当有动物出现在附近就会触动传感器,照相机就会自动拍照,瞄准经过的野生动物拍下他们存在的证据。Whenever an animal triggers the sensor, the camera goes off, delivering photographic evidence of a wild beastie.

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对于财政部门来说,所谓“信用违约互换”的衍生物正在产生一个积极的方面。A good part of the problem in the financial sector is being caused by a beastie called the credit default swap which is a derivative.

他们从不会拿活生生的小动物喂给老虎吃,因为他们怕老虎杀生时,会引出他凶残的天性。They never feed living beastie to tiger because they are afraid that it could arouse tiger's nature of cruelness when praying the beastie.

他们从不会拿活生生的小动物喂给老虎吃,因为他们生怕这麽做会引出牠凶残的个性。They never feed living beastie to the tiger because they are afraid that it could arouse the tiger's nature of cruelness when praying the beastie.

如果你关注那些森林松鼠,或者慷慨地提供给它们你的花园让他们觅食,你就能确切地知道这种动物一直以什么为食。If you stick with forest squirrels or those that have been subsisting on your garden largesse, you know exactly what that beastie has been snacking on.

这条“夜之怒龙”名叫“无牙仔”,贪婪而又内向安静。西卡普喂它发粘的咸干鱼,给它安上假尾巴,还给它套上鞍子,慢慢赢得了它的信任。The Night Fury, named Toothless, is a voracious yet inwardly serene beastie whose trust must be won, which Hiccup does by feeding him slimy fish, building him an artificial tail, and saddling him up.