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要不要我代你报仇?Want me to avenge you?

主人……会为我复仇雪耻的!The master will avenge me!

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他发誓要为烈士报仇。He vowed to avenge martyrs.

今天我就要为先父报仇。I have to avenge my dad now.

他发誓要报侮辱之仇。He vowed that he would avenge the insult.

他佞媾了她,是要替他的朋友格利列雪耻。He had seduced her to avenge his friend Greely.

他对天发誓,要给他爸爸报仇。He swore by Jupiter to avenge his father's death.

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哈姆雷特向他叔父报了杀父之仇。He was burning to avenge the death of his father.

哈姆雷特要向克劳狄斯进行报复。Hamlet wanted to avenge himself on〔upon〕 Claudius.

他暗暗发誓要为牺牲的同志报仇。He vowed to himself to avenge his martyred comrade.

艾莉丝猜到是帕莱干的,发誓要去报仇。Act of parliament did Alice guessed, vowed to avenge.

报复杀害的祖先主要由击败杜克。Avenge the slain forefather by vanquishing Major Duke.

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哈姆雷特打算惩处凶手以报父仇。Hamlet planned to avenge his father upon the murderer.

忠诚的朋友们,我抵死也要替你们报仇。Oh, faithful friends, I avenge you, or share your death.

怎样才能为这一个进行报复而不冒犯那一个呢?How was he to avenge the one without outraging the other?

盛忠豪发誓一定要杀了大岛茂,为他报仇。Sheng Zhonghao vowed to kill Oshima Shige and avenge him.

我必须尽快获得医疗,布布还太年幼无法帮我报仇。I must get aid soon. Boo is too young to have to avenge me.

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村民们觉得,鬼是受了他的冤屈,出于报复才跟踪他的。The villagers imagine that she follows him to avenge some wrong.

为你叔叔的失踪而复仇,并唤醒命运之石!Avenge your uncle's disappearance and awaken The Stone of Destiny.

莫非他企图把大伙都一网打尽来给他儿子报仇?Was he attempting to prepare a wholesale massacre to avenge his son?