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你传说中的教母?Your fairy godmother?

我遇到了一个王子,精灵教母。I met a prince, Fairy Godmother.

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戴安娜还是蒙克顿夫人的女儿多梅尼卡的教母。Diana was the godmother of Mrs Moncktons daughter Domenica.

我也有一个这种肩负神圣职责的教母。I had a godmother who made herself responsible in this way for me.

突然之间,她感觉似乎背后有人在轻轻拍她,一位老妇人出现在她面前,她正是艾拉的仙女教母。An old lady appeared in front of her. She was Ella’s fairy godmother.

灰姑娘非常地伤心,这时,教母出现了。Cinderella was broken-hearted. Atthat time, her fairy godmother appeared.

灰姑娘非常地伤心,这时,教母出现了。Cinderella was broken-hearted. At that time, her fairy godmother appeared.

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德鲁·巴里摩尔正是前面所说的洛夫女儿的教母。Did you know that Drew Barrymore is Godmother to Courtney Love's daughter?

“好事成三嘛,”它说,“又有人请我去当教母了。All good things go in threes, said she, I am asked to stand godmother again.

仙女教母再一次提醒辛德瑞拉要在午夜前到家。Once more, Cinderella's fairy godmother reminded her to be home by midnight.

帕丽斯的妹妹妮琪·希尔顿是凯西3岁的养女爱娃的教母。Paris' sister Nicky Hilton, is godmother to Casey's adopted daughter, Ava, 3.

“好事成三嘛,”它说,“又有人请我去当教母了。"All good things go in threes," said she, "I am asked to stand godmother again.

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南茜,你好。你记得拉蒙,阿里克斯的父亲。拉蒙,这是南茜,我的教母。Nancy, hello. You remember Ramen, Alex's father. Ramen, this is Nancy, my godmother.

南茜,你好。你记得拉蒙,阿里克斯的父亲。拉蒙,这是南茜,我的教母。Nancy, hello. You remember Ramón, Alex's father. Ramón, this is Nancy, my godmother.

艾拉赶回家来擦地板,却发现仙女教母已经帮她擦完了。Ella rushed home to mop the floor, but Fairy Godmother had al- ready done it for her.

如今他把这个女人叫做教母,因为他相信,一定是上帝派她来拯救他的。Today he callsher his godmother because, he believes, heaven must have sent her to save him.

作为菲茨杰拉德六个孩子的教母,她从来记不住孩子们的名字。Godmother to one of the Fitzgeralds' six children, she could never remember the child's name.

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该配方是米歇尔两个女儿萨沙和玛丽亚的教母凯伊友情提供的。The recipe comes courtesy of Mama Kaye, the godmother of both her daughters, Sasha and Malia.

仙女教母用她的法杖碰了一下蜥蜴,他们变成了两位机灵的侍者。Cinderella's fairy godmother touched the lizards with her fairy wand. They turned into two smart footmen.

现在在海外,还好有我的干爹和干妈照顾我。我也更爱他们!Now in the overseas, has my foster father and the godmother fortunately looks after me. I also love them!