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提供一个很好的装饰桌巾的心形包。A doily provides nice trim for the heart-shaped package.

的往往是一个被子,床用织物亚麻布,或垫。The fabric is often used for a quilt, bed linen, or doily.

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摄影机连同三角架装在镜头车或称摄影移动车上。The camera, together with its tripod, is mounted on a doily.

为了织一盘垫或花边,您可以使用超薄串和一个小钩。To make a doily or lace, you use thin thread and a small hook.

她告诉我,如果我与你呕气,我应该保持冷静并用钩针编织小垫布。She told me that if I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and crochet a doily.

这种带有季节色彩有网状小孔的桌巾式的设计完美的呈现出糖果和饼干。The openwork doily design in colors of the season is the perfect way to present candies, cookies and more!

我这对主子,哼,有一次去参加宴会的时候,他们是唯一不知道应该先在小碗里涮过手指头再拿起餐布的家伙。This couple I work for, at one party they were theonly guests who didn’t know to lift the doily with the finger bowl.

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这款掌机的确是虚饰过度了,那种样子傻傻的小饰巾一点儿意思没有,而且实在无法使掌机功能有所增强或提升游戏体验。It’s really over glamorized here, and that stupid doily cloth thing makes no sense, and doesn’t really enhance the PSP or game play experience.

研制绵羊多利,进行了277个实验,出了277个错误,才造出了一个单细胞个体。如果这些是人类细胞,则无异于大屠杀。It took 277 trials and errors to produce Doily the sheep, creating a cellular body count that would look like sheer carnage if the cells were human.

一个全功能的有机织物品的键盘使托尼的花边键盘成为现实,它是用具有防水性的织物做成的,像是一个很大的装饰桌巾。Meet Tonia Welter’s Keyboard Tablecloth, a fully functional keyboard with electronics woven into a water-resistant fabric shaped like a large doily.

谢谢,Greenhilt阁下,我对小纸垫谜题初步研究后发现,它们最主要的用途是摆放在蛋糕和派等甜点下面作为装饰。Thank you, Sir Greenhilt. my preliminary inquest into the doily conundrum revealed that they were best used as a decorative lay on a dessert pedestal, under a cake or perhaps a pie.