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在女权主义,他找到了一位“亚马孙”自供状。In feminism he found an "amazonian" element.

福寿螺对水稻的为害十分严重。Amazonian snail's endangerment on rice is very severe.

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拂晓是一个欣赏亚马逊雨林的天赐良机。DAYBREAK is a heavenly time to look on the Amazonian canopy.

亚马逊采伐森林对干季降水的影响。The impact of amazonian deforestation on dry season rainfall.

亚马逊巨型蜈蚣可以长到超过1英尺。The Giant Amazonian Centipede can grow to over a foot in length.

在亚马逊丛林,他不能把车子挤过树丛。In the Amazonian jungle he could not squeeze it between the trees.

亚马逊东部和东南部的降水量将显著减少。The Amazonian south and southeast will receive much less rainfall.

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秘鲁亚马逊地区的原始部落的存在是否会因为石油巨头的入侵而消亡?Could uncontacted Amazonian tribes in Peru be wiped out by oil giants?

据估计现在亚马孙雨林里发生的毁林都是小规模缓慢进行的。Most Amazonian deforestation is now reckoned to be small-scale and gradual.

从2007年以来,蒙克就开始着手设计特殊的亚马孙雨林风洞。Munk has been lugging specially designed wind tunnels into the Amazonian rain forest since 2007.

然而这种寄生菌确实存在,它们正在亚马逊热带雨林感染木蚁群。But such parasites are a reality and are destroying colonies of ants in the Amazonian rainforest.

该规划不仅为亚马逊河流域社区考虑了农村公路和人行道,还考虑了水路交通设施。The program considered rural roads, pedestrian paths and fluvial transport for Amazonian communities.

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研究人员已经发现,一种亚马逊蚂蚁已经不需要性并且进化到全是雌性的物种。An Amazonian ant has dispensed of sex and developed into an all-female species, researchers have found.

说图皮-瓜拉尼语的瓦杰皮人居住在亚马逊河北部地区。The Wajapi of the Tupi -guarani cultural-linguistic group are indigenous to the northern Amazonian region.

当一辆公交车掉进了亚马逊河中,他们真的被食人鱼吃得只剩下了骨头?Did a school of piranha eat flesh down to the bone of a busload of passengers that crashed in an Amazonian river?

在像亚马逊热带雨林的自由掘金者经常无视当地部落的权利。Freelance goldminers in areas such as the Amazonian rainforest are often careless of the rights of local tribesmen.

“代价将很昂贵,”他说,“但是这将保护亚马逊地区碳储存和多样性的稳定。”"It would be expensive," he observed, "but it would protect the stability of Amazonian carbon stocks and diversity."

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在秘鲁东北部的亚玛逊河流域,由于气候湿热、卫生条件极差,正是霍乱流行的温床。The Amazonian area of eastern Peru, with its humid and insanitary conditions, is really a hotbed for the spread of cholera.

从亚马逊的丛林火鸡到葛氏狨猴,亚马逊的生物多样丰富是出了名的,它受到发展的威胁也是出了名的。From bush turkeys to Goeldi's marmosets, Amazonian biodiversity is famously rich — and as famously threatened by development.

只有在其像麦当劳这样的主要客户的游说下,嘉吉才会签署亚马逊禁豆条例。Only following lobbying of key customers like McDonald's, for example, did Cargill sign up to a moratorium on Amazonian soya.