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那幽静的剑河。The peaceful River Cam.

随后进来了一位年轻人。Thn in cam a young man.

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在康桥的柔波里。In the soft waves of Cam.

卡梅隆向侄子卢克吼道。Cam shouted to his nephew, Luke.

卡姆穷得丁当响,生活难以为继。Life was hard, and Cam was broke.

我刚到停车站,一辆公共汽车就来了。A bus cam. just as I got to the stop.

她们得到2本凯姆金森的书作为奖励。And they were awarded 2 Cam Janson books.

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这一战舰当天驶抵金兰港。The warship arrived in Cam Ranh port the same day.

工程图纸是索网式缆索起重机机械生产的基础。Engineering drawings are fundamental to CAD and CAM.

经过十五年的昏迷之后,中年男人苏醒过来了。After 15 years in a coma, the middle-aged man cam to.

凸轮三维实体模型自动生成模块。Three-dimensional solid model cam module automatically.

在凸轮耳朵附近巩固与电缆扎匝的气门盖。Secure the valve cap with a cable tie around the cam ears.

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防坠器向上滑动自如,而向下受重时凸轮会制停。Slides easily up the rope and jams when the cam is loaded.

使用FMR产生的幻灯片,会显示手持摄像机图标。A handy cam icon is displayed on slides generated using FMR.

全新的直播视角很出色,我们从来没有切换到宽视角。A. New broadcast cam is wonderful, we never switched to wide.

早期的CAPP技术是独于CAD和CAM发展起来的。Early CAPP technology developed independently of CAD and CAM.

下图是一个卡在岩缝中的凸轮。The general image of a typical cam in a crack is shown below.

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苹果酸酶是CAM植物一种重要脱羧酶。NADP-malic enzyme is an important decarboxylase in CAM plants.

凯姆.吉甘戴是29岁的武术艺术家和演员。Cam Gigandet is a 29 year old American martial artist and actor.

我买了部高清数码摄像机,开始拍摄记录片。I bought an h. d. Cam and started, filming it for a documentary.