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赞成还是反对?Pro or con?

网球用品专门店。Tennis pro shop.

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像专家一样搜索。Search like a pro.

凶手是职业杀手。Your killer is a pro.

魏明是怎样备考的?Weiming is how pro forma?

我只看职业拳击赛。I watch the pro bouts only.

我是个担心的赞成者。I'm a pro at being worried.

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没有竞争,没有进步。No competition, no pro GREss.

临渊慕鱼,不如退而结网。Pro Yuan Mu fish Than retreat webs.

他们对此事正反两面地争论着。They argued the matter pro and con.

我能把注册码给朋友用吗?Can I give my Pro code to my friend?

你能帮助我解决这个问题吗?Can you help me solve this pro blem?

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因此,如果你想反对战争,那就支持和平吧。So, if you're anti-war, be pro peace.

像专业人士那样切片也不用担心割伤。Slice like a pro without risking a cut.

再看看谭维维。一个真正的民歌专家。Let's look at TWW, a real folk song pro.

但你能做到这一点的平均防毒亲???But can you do it for AVG antivirus pro???

我的意思是,亲中国意味着双赢。Pro-China actually means pro win-win, IMO.

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把佳得乐还是留在个人存储室吧。Leave the Gatorade for the pro locker room.

在Zooomr中也可以得到专业帐户。You can also get a pro account with Zooomr.

黄先生暂时会继续做我们的经理。Mr Wong will stay on as our manager pro tem.