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不要银牌。Not silver.

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那些银器呢?And the silver?

普拉塔是银。Plata is silver.

白银时代。The Age of Silver.

除了银果。But a silver nutmeg.

为什么是黄金和白银呢?Why gold and silver?

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我想要一条银项链。I want a silver chain.

银容易擦亮。Silver burnishes well.

像为缝隙渡上银。Too silver for a seam.

这是一条银链。This is a silver chain.

闪银光的汉堡。A Hamburg silver spangled.

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银色月光洒下的道路。A path of silver moonbeam.

喝茶就象吃银子一样啊。Tea is like eating silver.

拿到了一个小银钥匙。A small silver key was got.

在床上我看见一盏银灯。Abed, I see a silver light.

他有许多银元。He has many silver dollars.

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我喜欢银叶茶。I prefer the silver needle.

它是纯银做的。It's made from pure silver.

银是S加上一个圈。Silver was S with a circle.