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他不满地说,“我没法讨得左派的欢心”。"I cannot placate the Left, " he grumbles.

新西兰元的下跌也不会令奶农感到欣慰。A falling New Zealand dollar may not placate producers.

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他需要安抚这个白痴,并尽可能地了解多一点。He needed to placate the idiot and learn what he could.

我提出支付修理费来抚慰他。I tried to placate her by offering to pay for the repairs.

仅仅是繁荣昌盛不足以无限期地安抚民众。Rising prosperity alone will not placate people indefinitely.

这一方针更强调安抚抗议者,而非以暴制暴。They stress the need to placate protesters rather than respond with force.

布兰克费恩显然在尽力抚慰德国人,并表现出一定的悔悟。Blankfein was clearly trying to placate the locals and show some kind of contrition.

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摩西想马上安抚上帝,他把脸转向人民。Moses manages to placate God momentarily, and then he turns around to face the people.

之后,伟晋向春光提供了意见,令她成功安抚为情所困的囚犯。Later, wei jin to spring provides advice, made her success to placate lovesick prisoners.

让我们等待中国增加对新兴市场的资金流动,以安抚批评者吧。Watch for China to increase its capital flows to the emerging markets to placate critics.

比布尔留在后方,稳住内莫迪亚入侵者,并成为被困人民的代表。Bibble stayed behind, to placate the Neimoidian invaders and to represent the besieged people.

这些对话并不仅仅是一个正在衰落的美国试图安抚来自北京的阔佬。The talks aren't all about a weakling US trying to placate the powerful landlord from Beijing.

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中国此前已在两个月内两次上调电价,以缓解企业亏损情况.Beijing did raise prices twice in two months this summer to placate firms sliding into the red.

出于恐惧,你们会设法逃跑,与之搏斗,保护你们自己,去安抚老虎。In your fear you will try to escape it, to fight it, to protect yourselves from it, to placate it.

其二,是我们需要得到保证——以安抚我们的恐惧,好像错过了什么更好的。Second is our need to be reassured — to placate our fear of missing out on something “better” going on.

相当一部分菅直人所在的民主党里的立法委员怂恿他放弃自由贸易计划以抚慰农民。Kan's ruling Democratic Party have urged him to abandon his free-trade drive to placate the nation's farmers.

我们这些没有在爱中说诚实话的牧师,反而降低标准来安抚人,为何这麽瞻徇情面?We pastors who condescend to placate men, rather than speak the truth to them in love, why are we so sparing?

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部长的密友马上要参加大选了,抚慰选民最好的方法就是向他们保证可以得到土地。The minister's cronies have an election coming up, and the best way to placate voters is to promise them land.

不要幻想着你可以给与大量的“发展”和“重建”来安抚这些民众。Do not imagine you can placate them by showering "development" and "reconstruction" on them in the postwar era.

但是这还不够平息英国政客的怒气,他们有些人指控梅铎刻意无知。That was not enough to placate Britain's politicians, though, some of whom accused the Murdochs of willful ignorance.