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这是唯一的,也足够。That is unique and sufficient.

希望能充分帮助到我们。I hope that will be sufficient.

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有足够的网络带宽。Have sufficient network bandwidth.

神的恩典足以应付每一试炼。His grace sufficient for each test.

在某些情况下,这可能就足够了。In some cases, this may be sufficient.

因此一种分解是不够的。So no one decomposition is sufficient.

也许只要改变方式就足够了。It may be sufficient to change the how.

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人生在世得一知己足矣。Living a life of a friend is sufficient.

一般来说,类名是充分的。Typically, the class name is sufficient.

但是其后的分号是足够的。But a semicolon thereafter is sufficient.

它给人足够的康乐活动。It gives sufficient recreation to people.

他们有足够维持生命的食物。They had sufficient food to sustain life.

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准备了足够垫舱料和铺垫草席吗?Are sufficient dunnage and mats available?

林炎,你真够意思!Lin Yan, you really sufficient definition!

你有这笔贷款的足够担保吗?Do you have sufficient cover for this loan?

是的,准备了足够垫舱料和铺垫草席。Yes, sufficient dunnage and mats available.

您是否拥有足够的安装权限?Do you have sufficient authority to install?

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他们没有足够的证据拘留他。They had no evidence sufficient to hold him.

100元作最低放款额够吗?Will 100 yuan sufficient for minimal deposit?

该洞的弹性是不够的。The elasticity of the holes is not sufficient.