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临别的演说、言语、礼物。A valedictory speech, message, gift.

孩子们将会为KP2写段告别词。Children would write valedictory speeches about KP2.

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在担任主席职务两年后他发表了告别演说。He made a valedictory address after two years as chairman.

毕业时同学们互相题词勉。At graduation the students presented each other with valedictory inscriptions.

1796年5月10日,他请亚历山大·汉密尔顿帮助起草一份告别演说。On May 10, 1796, he asked Alexander Hamilton to help prepare a valedictory address.

相反,你的告别演说应该让以前的同事感受到温暖的光辉。Rather, your valedictory address should leave former colleagues feeling a warm glow.

就拿“告别空调暖气时代”来说,这个“创新”的可靠程度有多大?Take " valedictory air conditioning heating era", this "innovation" reliable extent?

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“告别空调暖气”让锋尚在今年名利双收。" valedictory air conditioning heating" Let front still gained much acclaim this year.

此外,它如下认为,第二个告别,与陪同的声明乔什。Furthermore, it follows that the second valedictory with the accompanying statements in Josh.

这份告别报告是他几周前从外交界退休时所写的。This valedictory dispatch was written as he retired from the foreign service a few weeks ago.

包括他关于意义理论的两篇论文,还有他关于反现实主义的告别词。Includes his two papers on theory of meaning, together with his valedictory lecture on anti-realism.

选择肾部保养,让自己精力充沛,远离疲劳告别无精打采的日子!Select kidneys and maintenance, so that my energy away from the valedictory lackadaisical days of fatigue!

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不过,在极有可能是最后一个赛季的比赛中,贝克汉姆为球队贡献了16个助攻,位居西部联队的榜首,他也用一种非常贝克汉姆的方式挽回了大家对他的好评。Yet in true Beckham style he has turned things around in what may be his valedictory season, registering 16 assists for a team who finished top of their conference.

当我毕业了13年后,我站在那个台阶上,想起那个那是的演讲,没有人还记得那个时刻。When we graduated 13 years later, I stood on that stage and gave the Valedictory address to that same group of students, none of whom even remembered that moment anymore.

这次出访原来是一次告别行,现在将受到不确定未来的影响,特朗普的当选已经给奥巴马最珍贵的外交政策重点蒙上阴影。Intended as a valedictory tour, the trip will now be shadowed by the uncertainty that Mr. Trump's election has cast over Mr. Obama's most cherished foreign policy priorities.

这是2007年他在下议院的哀悼并且挑衅的告别辞演讲中尤其明显的表现,他在作为首相十年后宣布辞职。This was especially evident in his elegiac and defiant valedictory speech in the House of Commons in 2007, announcing his resignation as prime minister after a decade's service.

美国总统对“反恐战争”两个主战场,伊拉克和阿富汗的访问是一次告别之旅,目的是在其任期的最后一个月里强化现任政府政策的影响力。The US president's valedictory tour of the two main fronts in the "war on terror", Iraq and Afghanistan, was aimed at enhancing his legacy as he approaches his last month in office.