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对托特纳姆热刺队来说,只是不好的一周。It has been a bad week for Tottenham Hotspur.

首先,在周中晚上,我们要作客白鹿巷挑战托特纳姆热刺。First up, on Wednesday night, are Tottenham Hotspur at White Hart Lane.

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2008年,热刺抢在欧洲杯之前将莫德里奇买了下来,就是为了防止身价暴涨而将其拱手相让给对手。Tottenham Hotspur bought Luka Modric before Euro 2008, to prevent losing him to a rival.

拉齐奥前锋潘德夫表示愿意为托特纳姆热刺效力。Lazio striker Goran Pandev has revealed that he would like to play for Tottenham Hotspur.

热刺和曼城在过去也求购过亨特拉尔。And both Tottenham Hotspur and Manchester United have made moves for Huntelaar in the past.

传言托特纳姆热刺队同样对这名曾效力过朴茨茅斯和乌迪内斯的蓝领球员有兴趣。Tottenham Hotspur are also rumoured to be interested in the former Portsmouth and Udinese workhorse.

他们主场1-2不敌热刺是他们的连续第3场在领先后却输掉的比赛。Their 2-1 home defeat by Tottenham Hotspur was the third match in a row they have lost after going in front.

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利物浦加入到竞逐热刺中场尼克-克拉尼察的队伍中来。Liverpool have joined the race to acquire Aston Villa target, and Tottenham Hotspur midfielder Niko Kranjcar.

虽然霍桑·加利到圣安德鲁球场的转会已失败,但米多从托特纳姆热刺加盟过来的转会达成。Though Hossam Ghaly's move to St Andrews has collapsed, Mido's switch from Tottenham Hotspur has been revived.

利物浦即将前往伦敦白鹿巷球场挑战托特拉姆热刺,以此开启他们09-10赛季联赛之旅。Liverpool kick-off their 2009-10 Barclays Premier League campaign against Tottenham Hotspur at White Hart Lane.

拉法-贝尼特斯对球队揭幕战1比2输给热刺做出回应,他承认他的球队需要改进。Rafael Benitez reflected on the opening day 2-1 defeat by Tottenham Hotspur and admitted his team must improve.

热刺希望至少追上以上两支球队中的一支,他们主场迎战博尔顿。Tottenham Hotspur will be looking to make up ground on at least one of those two as they host Bolton Wanderers.

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托特汉姆热刺主场迎战埃弗顿,有机会在积分上追平排名第二的曼城。Tottenham Hotspur have the chance to move level on points with second-placed Manchester City as they host Everton.

在对阵热刺时,斯洛伐克人和卡拉格相撞后受伤,至今仍在恢复中。The Slovakian defender is still recovering after colliding with Jamie Carragher against Tottenham Hotspur recently.

利物浦将会在天空体育频道直播与热刺的情况下开始他们联赛征程。Liverpool will kick off their new Barclays Premier League season at Tottenham Hotspur in front of the SKY TV cameras.

周四首次出场亮相,亨利就在1比2输给托特纳姆热刺的比赛中为本队打入1球。Henry made his debut Thursday, scoring his team’s goal in a 2-1 exhibition loss to Tottenham Hotspur in Harrison, N.J.

在效力红军超过十年之后,雷德克纳普在退役之前还加盟了热刺以及南安普顿。After spending over a decade with the Reds, Redknapp spent time with Tottenham Hotspur and Southampton before retiring.

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切尔西等着曼联犯错,他们将在一场伦敦德比面对状态正佳的热刺。Chelsea will be waiting to pounce on any possible slip-up as they face a London derby away to in-form Tottenham Hotspur.

阿瑟。温格暗示周末在海布里他可能稍稍轮换他的阵容来迎战托特纳母。热刺。Arsène Wenger has hinted he may rotate his side a little bit for the visit of Tottenham Hotspur to Highbury this weekend.

托特汉姆热刺主教练雷德克纳普回到他的旧东家,还在追求联赛首胜的西汉姆联队。Tottenham Hotspur manager Harry Redknapp goes back to his old club West Ham United who are still chasing their first win.