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他扭扭屁股。He tweaks his buttock.

腹部腰部臀部放松。Relax your belly, waist, buttock.

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当拥抱她的时候,我可以感觉到她丰润的臀部。When embrace her, I can feel her plump buttock.

宝宝脖子和小屁股张疱疹怎么办?。Darling neck and small buttock piece how does bleb do?

对手、胸、背等部位治疗有独特优点。It has special merits to hands, chest, back and buttock.

屁股上面长胞是怎么一回事?。Is long afterbirth above the buttock how one and the same?

我昨天发现我的臀部有个硬块,我该怎么办呢?。I discovered a lump on my buttock yesterday. What shall I do?

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用手脚支撑,提臀上挺成“桥”状。With thumbs and support, carry buttock is on a "bridge" shape.

宝宝的屁股和腰部之间为什么总是青的?。Why blueness always is between the buttock of darling and waist?

这块肌肉在臀部后面外侧的部分,可以很容易就摸到。The back section of the buttock on the outside may be sensitive to the touch.

瑞摩娜远远地靠在床的一边睡觉,她的右半个屁股露出床缘了。Ramona was sleeping far over on one side of the bed, her right buttock off the edge.

如你所知,荷芙妮格礼服也是伟大的产品来表达你的臀部成功。As you know, Herve Leger dresses also great products to express your buttock successfully.

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通常而言,这类在髋部和臀部的问题容易导致从整个腰背部扩展到臀部的瀑布状的肌肉紧张或损伤。Often, these injuries in the hip or buttock tend to cascade from lower-back strain or injury.

互联网上,聊天室里,网站和博客上都涌现出关于臀部注射的讨论。Across the Internet, chat rooms, Web sites and blogs have sprung up discussing buttock injections.

一般出恭的话,都是速战速决,逃离苍蝇对屁股的骚扰。The word of general go to toilet, it is fast battle quick decision, escape the fly ado to the buttock.

女人的丰乳、纤腰、肥臀都与卵巢分泌的雌激素有关。Waist of abundant breast of the woman, fine, fat buttock is concerned with ovarian excretive estrogen.

那小看了我大概一分钟,啥也没说拍屁股走人了,赌品还挺好。That look down upon me for one minute, and nothing says pat the buttock to leave, bet is also quite good.

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事不凑巧,车子买回来屁股还没坐热,就赶上上面检查,被查封了。Thing malapropos, the car buys the buttock to had not sat hot, drive before last face to check, was closed down.

肢端为最常见部位,臀部小汗腺汗孔瘤很少有报道。The acral sites are the most commonly affected regions. Hip or buttock as a location of origin has rarely been reported.

加强吸收效果和防止尿尿回渗更显著,让宝宝屁股保持干爽健康,更愉快。Strengthen absorption effect, obviously prevent reversed flow of pee, keep buttock dry and healthy and make baby feel happy.