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女管家怎么样?What's the housekeeper like ?

好主妇不能容忍灰尘的存在。A good housekeeper can't abide dust.

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他把我介绍给他的女管家。He introduced me to his housekeeper.

他把我介绍给他的女管家。He introduced me to his housekeeper.

一个好的家庭主妇绝不容有灰尘存在。A good housekeeper cannot abide dirt.

他孤零零一个人过活,带着一个老女仆。He lived alone with an old housekeeper.

女管家满怀感激地深深鞠了一个躬。The housekeeper bowed very low in gratitude.

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你需要雇用一名管家来精心料理你的家产。You need a housekeeper to nurse your property.

你们的女管家决不会是多萝西。I am sure your housekeeper is not really Dorothy.

客房服务员今天根本就没有来取要送洗的衣服。The housekeeper never picked up my laundry today.

我的所有通信都由我的管家操作。All my correspondence is handled by my housekeeper.

你最好按铃叫女管家再拿点肥皂来。You'd better ring for the housekeeper to bring more soap.

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我妈既是个好母亲又是一个好的家庭主妇。My mother is a good mother and a good housekeeper as well.

雷锦仪在管家的率领下暂时先在彭家住了下来。In LeiJinYi housekeeper led temporarily first in PengGu lived.

他们搬到新家后,仍继续雇用那个管家。They kept on the housekeeper after they moved to the new house.

不久,她的父亲就娶了女管家,生了更多孩子。Her father soon married their housekeeper and had more children.

我知道亨德雷死后她就成了这儿的女管家。I knew she had been the housekeeper there since Hindley's death.

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在行政管家的同意下定购花卉。Ordering of flowers after the approval of the Exec. Housekeeper.

她去访问他的庄园,和他的老管家交上了朋友。She visited his house and made friends with his old housekeeper.

可这时女管家却一个劲地在门外徘徊,提篮也紧闭着。But the housekeeper lingered by the door, and the basket stayed shut.