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奥林匹克争先赛是一种团体赛。Olympic sprint is a team race.

奥运主火炬手是谁?Who are the main Olympic torch ?

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祟高的奥林匹克理想被丢弃。High Olympic ideals were forsaken.

他看上去就像一个奥运会的短跑选手。He looked like an Olympic sprinter.

让英语成为你挑战奥运的动力!Make Engish your Olympic Challenge!

现在保罗·怀利成了奥运英雄。Now Paul Wylie was an Olympic hero.

让英语成为你挑战奥运的动力!Make Enlgish your Olympic Challenge!

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带有奥运会标志的棒球帽。A baseball cap with the Olympic logo.

你是要去奥林匹克体育场么?Are you going to the Olympic Stadium?

在第23届洛杉矶奥运会上。At 23th Olympic Games in Los Angeles.

奥运会的会旗是什么样的?What does the Olympic flag look like?

我已经绝对进不了参加奥运会的队了。I can never make the Olympic team now.

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1912年斯德哥尔摩奥运会。The Stockholm Olympic Games in 1912. ?

不丹至今还未赢得奥运会奖牌。Bhutan has yet to win an Olympic medal.

文莱至今获还未获得奥运奖牌。Brunei has yet to win an Olympic medal.

这些是奥运会纪念徽章。These are Olympic commemorative badges.

就连奥运匹克精神都排了出来。Even the Olympic spirit is Pai Pick out.

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缅甸至今未得到过奥运奖牌。Myanmar has yet to win an Olympic medal.

悉尼全城燃烧着奥林匹克的热情。Sydney is afire with Olympic enthusiasm.

为奥运喝彩!中国加油!Cheers for Olympic Games! China refuels !