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他是个黑心肠的家伙。He is a black hearted guy.

心碎的傻瓜和被骗者。Broken hearted fools and suckers.

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她丈夫是个铁石心肠的人。Her husband is a hard hearted man.

瑞士人民很友好和热心肠。Swiss people are kind, warm hearted.

意志要坚强,但心地要善良。Be tough-minded , but tender hearted.

但在他温柔的宛然拒绝声中。But with his soft- hearted rejection.

心脏不强健的人可能做不来这份工作。It is not a job for the faint hearted.

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这位好心肠的老人救起了这条蛇。The snake was saved by the old kind hearted man.

传统佳节来临之际,献上圣诞节的殷殷祝福。Warm hearted wishes for an old-fashioned Christmas.

收到的答案从严肃到诙谐,不一而足。The responses varied from serious to the light hearted.

他对其他的人都怀一颗善良的心。Carl is very respectful of other people and kind hearted.

有些物质会热胀冷缩。Some substances expand when hearted and contract when cooled.

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人们满以为你是个好女人,其实你很坏,你心肠很狠。People think you a good woman, but you are bad, hard- hearted.

我非常尊敬她,因为她是一位品德高尚且慈心的人。I respect her very much because she is virtuous and kind hearted.

爱情啊,把你的王冠和你的心灵深处的宝座让给残暴的憎恨吧!Yield up, O love, thy crown and hearted throne To tyrannous hate!

本周你有孩童般的心,博爱,精力充沛。You will have a childlike approach this week, big hearted and full of spunk.

献上殷殷祝福,祝新年万事如意!Warm hearted wishes for a happy New Year filled with all your favorite things.

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保守佳节之际,其实财源广进。献上殷殷祝福,祝新年万事如意!Warm hearted wishes for a happy New Year filled with isl your favorite things.

我刚刚见到你,不会太过分,不会把你叫作“铁石心肠的混蛋”。Now I just met you, I wouldn't go as far as calling you a cold hearted bastard.

心胸豁达,有自信心,性格开朗,聪明能干,热情待人。Simple guy, Open minded, Confidence, Cheerful, Smart and Warm Hearted individual.