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勃列日涅夫和博塔都被扔进历史的垃圾堆中。Leonid Brezhnev and PW Botha are consigned to the dustbin of history.

勃列日涅夫第四次成为苏联的英雄。Leonid Brezhnev becomes the Hero of the Soviet Union for the fourth time.

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在2011年一个平常的狮子座回报预期整体最大ZHR达15。In 2011 a usual Leonid return is expected with overall maximum ZHR up to 15.

这是由明尼苏达州立大学的莱昂尼德?赫维奇在1960年创立的。It began with work by Leonid Hurwicz of the University of Minnesota in 1960.

除了注重运输功能之外,雷奥尼还要在地铁中铺设管道,装上消防栓Apart from the transport function Leonid is going to plumb the metro and to make fireplugs.

俄罗斯小提琴家列奥尼德科冈的职业生涯所掩盖的是他的同胞大卫奥依斯特拉赫的。Russian violinist Leonid Kogan's career was overshadowed by that of his compatriot David Oistrakh.

勃列日涅夫与赫鲁晓夫做了同样的事情,但用空军的左轮手枪表达了自己的观点。Leonid Brezhnev did the same thing with Kruschev, but used an air force revolver to make his point.

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在六个月以前,利奥尼德·勃列日涅夫曾保证和平,而优柔寡断的吉米·卡特并没给予太多关注。Six months earlier Leonid Brezhnev pledged peace and received peeks on his flabby cheeks from Jimmy Carter.

2006年狮子座流星雨的效果将比2002年稍差些,但预期流星雨高峰期将在这周末到来。The 2006 Leonid meteor shower will be much less intense than in 2002, but will be near its predicted peak this weekend.

1999年的狮子座流星雨观测研究取得了十分丰富的成果。Great achievements have been gained from Leonid Meteor Shower observations and researches during the period of 1998-1999.

两个都在寻找答案的灵魂,德和瓦提供光的黑暗部分平衡。Two unpretentious souls on a search for answers, Leonid and Valery provide the light that balances the dark part of humanity.

勃烈日涅夫滥建私人别墅,仅在莫斯科郊外就建了好几处。Leonid Brezhnev constructed private villas by prodigality , thus there were quite a few villas only on the outskirts of Moscow.

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2001年狮子座流星雨,是几百年来难得有机会在中国观测到的一场流星暴。The Leonid meteor shower in AD 2001 was a great meteor burst inaccessibly happened in China during recent several hundred years.

当狮子座流星雨像是从狮子座方向来飞来的时候,事实上天空中的任何地方都能看到这些流星。While Leonid meteors appear to rain from the constellation of Leo the Lion, they can actually be viewed in all parts of the sky.

1998年狮子座流星雨来自两股不同组成的流星体颗粒的不均匀混合流。The data suggest that 1998 Leonid stream was an inhomogeneous mixture of two parts of meteoroids with different grain compositions.

他被斩首后丢弃在森林中,这引起了所有乌克兰人民的愤怒。Gongadze, an outspoken critic of the then President Leonid Kuchma was found dumped in a forest, provoking widespread outrage in Ukraine.

在无数昼夜捡空酒瓶后,列昂尼·德科诺瓦洛夫,一个63岁的***男人脱贫致富。After spending days collecting thousands of empty booze bottles, Leonid Konovalov a 63 year old Russian man has gone from rags to riches.

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但是他的批评者认为普京是在拙劣地模仿从1964年直到1982年去世一直统治前苏联的领导人勃列日涅夫。But his critics say he risks turning into a parody of Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev who ruled the USSR from 1964 until his death in 1982.

圣彼得堡国家大学的李尔尼德•索科尔夫教授说,阿波菲斯99942更有可能在撞上地球之前就已经被击碎。Professor Leonid Sokolov of St. Petersburg State University remarked that 99942 Apophis would most likely disintegrate before hitting Earth.

布什是在即将离任的乌克兰总统库奇马在莫斯科会晤俄罗斯总统普京之后不久讲这番话的。He spoke shortly after outgoing Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma met in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin. During that meeting, Mr.