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每个人的声音都准备好了吗Everybody vocally prepared here?

鹦鹉用声音同时也会藉态度和姿势表达他们的情绪。Parrots express their emotions vocally and with attitudes and postures, as well.

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但是这些不能发声的人群中大部分是那些被困在家里的老年人和残障人士。But the most vocally excluded of all are the old and poor, trapped in their homes.

我的一个朋友写了这歌,我收录到专辑里是因为觉的它很挑战唱功。It was written by a friend of mine and I chose it because it was vocally challenging.

政府曾经拒绝接受这些礼物,但没抵过赠送组织的声讨。The group which had donated them had complained vocally when officials tried to refuse the gift.

和值得信赖的朋友倾吐自己的烦恼可以减轻压力。The act of vocally expressing our troubles to a trusted friend can offer instant stress-reduction.

不可能再在言语或行为上骚扰别人的安祥与快乐。It is no longer possible to do anything vocally or physically which will disturb the peace and happiness of others.

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情绪变化的男人更可能进入爬虫类动物模式,进行口头攻击或变得咄咄逼人。A man who switches on his emotions is more likely to go into a reptilian mode and lash out vocally or become aggressive.

当他们帮助你的时候用声音感激他们,当你帮助他们时他们也会用声音感激你,而你的上司则会把你当成是团队中的一员。Be vocally grateful if they assist you and assist them when you can.Your superiors will perceive you as being a team player.

他说,“石墙事件标志着同性恋者作为一个群体首次以有力的行动明确表达了他们根据法律应该享有的平等权利。Stonewall marked the first time that gays and lesbians as a group forcefully and vocally asserted their rights to equality under the law.

他口头批评不利于弱势群体的政策,如议会通过的一项妨碍难民重建家园的税务法案。He was vocally critical of policies that targeted the downtrodden, such as a Senate-approved transit tax that made it difficult for refugees to resettle.

在最近接受CNBC采访时,他大力声援经济刺激计划中的“买美国货”内容,比白宫的表态还要肯定。In a recent CNBC interview, he was more vocally supportive of "buy American" trade protectionist provisions in the hotly debated economic stimulus bill than was the White House.