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我擅长水墨丹青。I'm skilful in ink and wash.

这便是那些机灵人的理论。Such is the theory of the skilful.

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冷静,细腻,一位真的勇士。Cool on the ball, skilful and a real battler.

他们施巧夺天工计拖垮了敌人。They laid out the enemy by skilful manoeuvre.

他们施巧计拖垮了敌人。They tired out the enemy by skilful manoeuvre.

我把这件事情交由你的聪明和技巧去处理。I leave the matter to your wit and skilful devices.

约翰的一个刁球使对方击球手出局。A skilful ball from John put out the opposing team's batsman.

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他素描画得很娴熟,突然,艾贝提议去滑雪。he was skilful at sketching. Suddenly, Abe suggested to go skiing.

不熟习的概率和解释一定要查课本。Not the probability of be skilful at and explanation must check textbook.

图案精美绝伦,造型巧夺天工。These pictures are beauty and delicacy, the modeling is skilful manoeuvre.

作为一个巧妙的滑板者,帮助林勇结交许多新朋友。Being a skilful skateboarder has helped Lin Yong make a lot of new friends.

他长相帅气、球技高超,拥有顶级的射门能力和绝佳的传球视野。As a highly skilful player, he has a great shot and superb vision for a pass.

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他的一位好友提醒道,须有生花妙笔才能栩栩如生重现亚当斯密的人生。It would take a skilful pencil to bring Smith to life, warned one of his friends.

一位老练的车手可以通过使用“防御性”的驾驶方式阻挡对手的超越。A skilful driver can hold off an opponent by adopting a 'defensive' driving style.

在那之后我们的对手也展现了出众的技术,护球也做的不错。After that our opponents showed how skilful they were and kept the ball quite well.

维贝克是一名极具天分,技术型球员。他可以打边翼或前锋位置。Danny Welbeck is a highly talented, skilful player who can play out wide or up front.

魔术师用熟练的手指闪电般地洗牌。The magician riffled through the cards with skilful fingers that moved like lightning.

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在边路,彼特是众多灵秀球员中的一员,他能让许多人为之惊奇。Peter is one of the most skilful players in the side and he has surprised a lot of people.

这说明我们军队的传统是好的,是英勇善战的。This shows that our army has a fine tradition and that it is heroic and skilful in battle.

机灵人似乎听不见这种窃窃私议的反对意见,仍旧继续他们的勾当。The skilful do not seem to hear the murmured objection, and they continue their manoeuvres.