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这种美元下跌论言过其实了。This dollar declinism is overblown.

这些警告是过分夸大。These warnings are grossly overblown.

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我认为这种恐慌渲染太过了。I think these fears are vastly overblown.

佩雷斯认为这种威胁被夸大了。Mr Pérez thinks the threats are overblown.

这些盛期已过的玫瑰即将凋谢。The overblown roses are to wither and fall.

恐惧已停息,不该挡道。Fears are overblown and shouldn’t stand in our way.

两周之后来看,当时的这种担心显然言过其词了。Two weeks later, it's clear that those fears were overblown.

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太宗说好说歹,停息了这场风云。Speak unto thee bad or good, emperor overblown the wind and cloud.

配药业坚决认为,对出错率的担忧被过分渲染。The pharmacy industry insists that worries over error rates are overblown.

即使对前者的担心有一定的基础,遏被制的恐惧还是夸大了。Even if the first worry has some basis, fears of containment are overblown.

即使我们发现这些风险是多虑的,人们还是会记得他们实在感到的那些恐惧。Even if we find the risks were overblown. People will remember the fear they felt.

有些业内人士认为,对于全氯乙烯环保性能的忧虑被夸大了。Some in the industry say the environmental concerns over perc have been overblown.

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荒唐夸张的军费开支和成瘾的庞大债务,正在削弱美国。Grotesquely overblown military spending and debt addiction are crippling United States.

而对于穷国将可能承受“人才外流”的恶果的恐惧也是言过其实的。and fears that poor countries will suffer as a result of a “brain drain” are overblown.

确实,举国上下的悼念仪式基本上避免了过度矫饰的词藻。Indeed the mourning ceremonies throughout China have generally avoided overblown rhetoric.

接受这些夸张看法的人们就是那些最震惊于新数据的人们。The people who bought into those overblown ideas are the ones most shaken by the new numbers.

我觉得其实顶尖大学的课程难这一点是被夸大了。I think it's actually overblown that the, the top universities in this country are so difficult.

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与此同时,贝德福德认为人们对资产负债表中所隐藏的坏账的担忧过于夸大。All the same, Bedford thinks the fears about the bad loans lurking off the balance sheet are overblown.

和过于自负者待在一起,简直就是一种折磨。因为他们不懂得谦恭,为人也不可靠。People with overblown egos are not fun to be with, they are not respectful and they cannot be relied on.

他们遗留下来主要是因为不正当投资,特别是在夸张的金融业。They remained stuck in what essentially were malinvestments, especially in an overblown financial sector.