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我是一个人喝麦片吗?Am I alone with my oatmeal?

燕麦片也是一个不错的选项。Oatmeal is another good option.

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创意纯燕麦片。Get creative with plain oatmeal.

有花生酱夹心的和燕麦的。I have peanut butter and oatmeal.

我要3号早餐和燕麦粥。I'd like Breakfast No. 3 and oatmeal.

燕麦片也是早餐必备食品。Oatmeal is another great staple for breakfast.

他早餐吃了一碗燕麦粥。He had a bowl of oatmeal porridge for breakfast.

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她烤制了一炉拿手的燕麦甜饼。She made a batch of her special oatmeal cookies.

我给了我们一些燕麦粥和牛奶。I get us some oatmeal porridge and milk for morning.

是的。但我想先吃麦片粥。我自己来弄吧。Yes. But i prefer oatmeal first. I'll make it myself.

那一大桶燕麦粥在电炉上扑哧扑哧作响。The vat of oatmeal stood gasping on the electric range.

我有没有可以和麦片联系起来的记忆?Are there any memories that I can tie to eating oatmeal?

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然后,他又刻意往燕麦片粥里倒进枫糖浆。Then, deliberately, he pours maple syrup into his oatmeal.

天然胶体燕麦二甲聚硅氧烷皮肤保护。With natural Colloidal Oatmeal Dimethicone skin protectant.

我从不说谎,三,我做的提子燕麦饼干是最好的。And three, I make the best oatmeal raisin cookies in the world.

燕麦粥听起来有些奇怪,但请相信我,它非常可口。The oatmeal may sound a little odd but trust me it's delicious.

在我记忆中第一次早餐喝麦片是什么时候?When was the first time I remember eating oatmeal for breakfast?

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晨报与旧式的燕麦泡泡是不变的背景。Morning edition and old-fashion oatmeal bubble in the background.

燕麦有恐龙蛋和其他神秘的宝藏。Quaker Oatmeal contains dinosaur eggs and other hidden treasures.

我们也有宝宝,…包括锅的搅拌自制酱或烹调你早上燕麦粥。Homemade sauce, "and" stir the pot or cooking your morning oatmeal.