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总统的单方面决定总是置国会与难堪的境地。As always, presidential unilateralism puts Congress in a tough position.

我认为单边主义代价太高,公开对话效率太低。I believe that unilateralism is too expensive and open dialogue is too slow.

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这可能是民族主义以及对美国单边主义的抵制的副产品。This may be a byproduct of resistance against U.S. unilateralism and nationalism.

双边坡路堑和不能横向开挖的单边坡路堑,采取分梯段纵向开挖。Bilateral high cutting and unilateralism high cutting cannot be dug, excavating gradually.

单边坡路堑先挖浅地段,再挖深地段,以增加开挖工作面。Unilateralism slope first dig shallow lots, then deep one to increase the excavation scale.

但是只有当实行单方主义的一方鼓励其他人也向前走时,它才有意义。But unilateralism only makes sense to the extent that it encourages others to go further too.

在“瞎子摸象”的故事中,人因为片面化而被嘲讽。In the story of An Elephant and Blind Men, the blind men were satirized for their unilateralism.

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我们通过硬件及软件两方面来保证数据传输的单向性。We guarantee the unilateralism of data transmission at the level of both hard ware and software.

只不过单边主义强调对外行为方式,霸权主义更强调行动目标而已。Only Unilateralism emphasizes the foreign behavior, hegemonism stresses on the action goal even more.

美国的“绝端单边主义”是美国政府采用的针对世界发展的新体系中突出的要素。"Absolute unilateralism" by the United States is the salient element of the new system adopted by the U.

美国的“绝端单边主义”是美国政府采用的针对世界发展的新体系中突出的要素。"Absolute unilateralism " by the United States is the salient element of the new system adopted by the U.

象美国,中国仍然显示出对美国单边主义可能破坏中国小心翼翼的外交的一个倾向。Like America, China can still display a penchant for unilateralism that undermines all its careful diplomacy.

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莱弗里特先生看到中国变得更加担心“他们看到的过多美国单边主义影响此地区。”Mr.Leverett sees China becoming more concerned with "what they see as excessive US unilateralism in the region.

莱弗里特先生看到中国变得更加担心“他们看到的过多美国单边主义影响此地区。”Mr. Leverett sees China becoming more concerned with "what they see as excessive US unilateralism in the region.

中国应当通过多边合作反对单边主义环境霸权,同时,也要合理行使自救权意义上的环境单边主义。China should be against hegemonism of unilateralism, but it should perform unilateralism in the sense of self-help.

它在本质上是霸权主义、单边主义和实用主义。In fact, the double standard of the American foreign policy is the hegemonism, the unilateralism and the pragmatism.

第三,美国反恐中的“单边主义”行为和扩大化倾向令盟国极为不满。American's unilateralism act in fighting terrorism and its expansion tendency dissatisfy American's allied countries.

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亨利•卡伯特•洛奇的单边主义思想的形成与美国的社会传统以及亲身经历密切相关。Henry Cabot Lodge's unilateralism is closely related with the United States's traditional thoughts and personal experience.

布什的单边主义和美国中心论实在是不得人心,对这个世界的稳定有负面作用。Bush's unilateralism and America-oriented theory is really unpopular and has a negative impact on the stability of the world.

自从小布希总统上任以后,美国的外交政策展现了强烈的单边主义色彩。American's foreign policy has shown a great trend of unilateralism since George W. Bush became president of the United States.