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我可以看到两个儿子都盯着这些钱。I could see my boys eyeballing the money.

那家伙坐在角落里盯著我看。That guy sat in the corner, eyeballing me.

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为什么肠卜师目不转睛地打量那绵羊的肝脏呢?Why is the haruspex eyeballing the sheep's liver?

你再这样看我,我就让你尝尝我拳头的滋味。You gonna see my fist if you don't quit eyeballing me.

当这位著名歌手在台上露面时,所有的观众都在看她。When the famous singer appeared on the stage, all the audience were eyeballing her.

当你看住自己的证券投资组合,会觉得它们像是你个人财务列表上贴着的心理确认标签。Eyeballing your portfolio feels like a mental checkmark in the personal finance column.

但就如同人们不善于目测食品的实际卡路里值一样,人们也不擅长估算运动到底能消耗掉多少卡路里。Plus, like the poor "eyeballing" of food, most of us aren't skilled at estimating how many calories are used for activity.

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不像在过去的研究人员一样目测脑电图,而是程序分解了复杂的大脑活动。Rather than eyeballing EEGs, as researchers had done in the past, the program teases apart the complicated patterns of brain activity.

目前PCB质量检验工作大部分由人工目测完成,人为因素的影响易发生漏检和误检。The PCB quality affects the capability of products directly. At present PCB quality test works are mostly completed by manual eyeballing.

对目测法得到的交叉口车辆行驶轨迹结果进行分析,得出了车辆行驶轨迹应用于渠化设计的方法。The paper analyzed the tracking results from the eyeballing method on the video data, and found the method for applying it into the channeling design.

是因为你听到过一些很有趣的关于黄发笑话还有你是无聊的,也许你面带斑点的配偶目测到的是一杯金色柠檬汁葡萄酒?Is it because you heard blondes have more fun and you're bored, or maybe you spotted your spouse eyeballing up a blonde bimbo? Either way, have fun with it!

原厂安装的温度计几乎没有用,而我又没有那能耐可以在烘焙中用肉眼判断火势,所以改装是必须的。The factory installed temp gauge is almost useless and trying to roast by eyeballing the flame level is more of a challenge than I am up to, so mods are necessary.

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“我以前不知道还有一家格兰诺拉麦片”,格兰诺拉麦片的主人亚历克斯说,注视着她的姜味糖蜜和腰果混合的产品与别家的竞赛。“I didn't know there would be another granola,” said Alex Crosier of Granola Lab, eyeballing the competition for her ginger-molasses and cranberry-cashew mixtures.

“我以前不知道还有一家格兰诺拉麦片”,格兰诺拉麦片的主人亚历克斯说,注视着她的姜味糖蜜和腰果混合的产品与别家的竞赛。“I didn’t know there would be another granola,” said Alex Crosier of Granola Lab, eyeballing the competition for her ginger-molasses and cranberry-cashew mixtures.

“我以前不知道还有一家格兰诺拉麦片”,格兰诺拉麦片的主人亚历克斯说,注视着她的姜味糖蜜和腰果混合的产品与别家的竞赛。“I didn’t know there would be another granola, ” said Alex Crosier of Granola Lab, eyeballing the competition for her ginger-molasses and cranberry-cashew mixtures.

鼠密度监测采用鼠夹法,蝇密度监测采用粘蝇板法和目测法,蚊类密度监测采用诱蚊法和目测法。Survey the rats density with rat folders method, flies density with sticky flies plate and eyeballing method, mosquito density with trap-mosquito method and eyeballing method.

色牢度是评定纺织品优劣的重要指标,现行的色牢度评级方法主要是专家目测评级法,测试结果受人为主观因素的影响。Color fastness is a very important index to assess the quality of textiles. Currently the color fastness was received by specialist eyeballing. The results can be affected by some subjective factors.