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今天你看起来很活泼!You seem very chirpy today!

今天你好像很快活似的!You seem very chirpy today!

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孩子们今天好象特别快活。The children seem particularly chirpy today.

这部电影的配乐是由带脚键盘的管风琴和班卓琴奏出的轻快乐曲。The movie has a chirpy soundtrack of pedal organ and banjo.

你今天怎么这么高兴?你平时很安静的!Why are you so chirpy today, you are usually a lot quieter?

树丛里的蝉纷纷“知了,知了”地嘲笑我。Those chirpy cicada in the trees all mocked at my sally action.

通常总有人会嘁嘁喳喳地告诉我们热情些。Usually, some chirpy person would tell us to be more enthusiastic.

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通常总有人会叽叽喳喳地告诉我们要热情些。Usually, some chirpy person would tell us to be more enthusiastic.

你希望他们看到的是你容光焕发、活泼愉快,乐观向上的一面。You want them to meet someone who is fresh-faced, chirpy and upbeat.

我非常高兴有没有希望我们周围的任何进展更快扢大学的孩子。I was so glad there weren't any chirpy college kids around expecting us to move faster.

那里有一阵快乐而活泼的声响,然后一只有条纹的小花栗鼠在灯光中现身,并问他可感到好一些?There was a chirpy noise, and a small striped Chipmunk appeared with a night light, and hoped he felt better?

当你运动时,一种叫脑内啡的物质被释放,让你感觉特别有活力,同时能降低你的食欲。When you exercise, endorphins are released which make you feel more chirpy and also reduce the pangs for food.

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欧洲的报刊充斥着关于上海世博会的报道,且语气欢快。THE European press has been filled with reports of the Universal Expo in Shanghai. They make for chirpy reading.

四个小时的审讯对于贝兰克费恩简直就是如坐针毡,难怪平时能言善辩的他到最后只能垂头撒气的离开。No wonder the usually chirpy Mr Blankfein looked so drained by the time he was let go, after almost four hours in the hot seat.

这一切是否意味着停止将廉价管道工和活泼的酒吧女招待引进西方国家,或者对东欧民主稳定、欧洲大团结进程的终止?Does this spell the end of a process that brought cheap plumbers and chirpy barmaids westwards, anchored democracy and stability in the east, and reunited the European family?