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你的爱绝不会减少,绝不会溜走?That your love would never lessen and never go?

以抚慰和减轻你一次次悸动着的苦痛to sooth and lessen the throbbing painful bout.

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太常打孩子屁股,会减少效果。Spanking a child too often may lessen its impact.

这将减少美国国内在采取有力行动方面的阻力。It would lessen resistance to firm action in the US.

只需要更合理的选择麻醉剂就可以减少不利影响。But better anaesthesia choices can lessen the impact.

当汤滚了之后,我们把火减小然后剽除汤里的浮渣。When it is on the boil – we lessen the fire and scum.

不过,有些方法可以减轻财政负担。However, there are ways to lessen the financial burden.

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伊班克斯可以减少湖人对麦格雷迪的需求吗?Can Devin Ebanks Lessen the Lakers' Need for Tracy McGrady?

乳酸发酵是至关重要的减少葡萄酒的酸度。Malolactic fermentation is vital to lessen the wine's acidity.

我觉得这会导致这种占有欲的减弱。That would tend to lessen the possessiveness factor, I believe.

也会改善欧洲依赖俄罗斯天然气的烦人情形。It would also lessen Europe's irksome dependence on Russian gas.

沃尔说,他希望减少萨省对美国的依赖。Wall said he wants to lessen his province's dependence on the U.

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求教于人无损于你的伟大,也不会得你无能。To seek advice does not lessen the greatness or argue incapacity.

立即吃阿司匹林,它可以帮助你在晒伤早期减轻它的发展。Pop aspirin immediately?it may lessen early development of sunburn.

促进循环代谢,防止水肿。舒解静脉曲张与肿胀。Promotes circulation. Prevents edemas and lessen varicosity and swell.

为了减少痛苦,有些人选择放弃所有责任。To lessen the pain, some people chose to relinquish all responsibility.

我们必须认清这一点并尽可能减轻其影响,”戈尔说。We have to recognize it and lessen the impact best we can, " said Gore.

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终于,它来见丘比特,恳求他为自己减轻痛苦。He therefore appeared before Jupiter, and begged him to lessen his misery.

我们的一位技术人员已经想出了一些规避措施来减轻这些烦扰。But one tech has found a few workarounds to lessen some of the aggravation.

她为这种感情而自责,但她既不能抑制也不能减少这种感情。She upbraided herself for the sentiment, but could not overcome or lessen it.