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英语口语流利者颇佳。Fluency in oral English preferred.

要想流利你需要时间和专心练习。Fluency requires time and immersion.

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将你的英语变流利并为2005年计画!Include English fluency in your 2005 life plan!

弄懂流利与速度的差异。Learn the difference between fluency and speed.

因此如何克服通向英语流利程度的最后一道坎呢?So how do you conquer this last obstacle to fluency?

我拥有超卓流利英语会话及书写技能。I have superb fluency in both spoken and written English.

我不想再停留在那流利浪荡的空间中了。I do not want to stay in that space of fluency dissipated.

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所以,英语口语的准确与流利,如何才能平衡起来呢?So, how do balance accuracy and fluency in spoken English?

所以,英语口语的准确与流利,如何才能平衡起来呢?So, how to balance accuracy and fluency in spoken English?

非常多的人达到母语讲话人的流利程度。Substantial numbers of students reach native-speaker fluency.

研究表明,只有唯一一个途径能实现流畅表达。The research is clear-- there is only ONE way to get fluency.

流感影响了那个有影响的讲话者讲话的流畅.The flu influenced the influential speaker' s fluency of speech.

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轻便型设计,线条简洁流畅。Easy and convenient type design, lines simple and direct fluency.

后来,我请求琼斯批准出版一份有关对“流畅”行动的判断的文件。I appealed to F. J. to publish a paper on the FLUENCY assessment.

流利程度的主要特征是语言速度和语言连续性。The key indicators of fluency are speech rate and speech continuity.

剪辑基本原则及技巧,主要是为了保证画面组接的连贯流畅。The basic principle of the clipping is the skill for link and fluency.

他文笔流畅,措辞得体,是一位文雅而且温和的作家。He is a writer of fluency and felicity, of graciousness and gentleness.

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访问者对学生们流利的英语感到惊讶。Visitors were amazed at the students' conversational fluency in English.

这就是认知流利的作用在整个市场中放大了。This is the effect of cognitive fluency writ large across the marketplace.

后来,我请求琼斯批准出版一份有关对“流畅”行动的判断的文件。Afterward I appealed to F. J. to publish a paper on the FLUENCY assessment.