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这里是夏落特镇的机场,很迷你喔!This is the airport of Charlottetown . It is very small.

顺便一提,他的省会夏洛特市,是加拿大的发源地。BTW, its capital, Charlottetown is the birthplace of Canada.

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幸运的是我们并没有看到他们出现在夏洛特城选区。Fortunately we haven't seen any of them show up in the Charlottetown riding.

省府夏洛特镇的居民在大街上开起派对,庆祝禁令解除。Residents of the capital Charlottetown celebrated the lifting of the ban at a street party.

安妮笑了,“玛丽·玛利亚阿姨自己在夏洛特镇有个不错的家呢,但她开始觉得它有点太大了,有些孤独。Aunt Mary Maria has a very nice home of her own in Charlottetown. But she is finding it very big and lonely.

如果你做得好,你就能在夏洛特镇的女王学院学习一年,然后就能成为一名教师!Then if you do well, you can study at Queen's in Charlottetown for a year, and after that you'll be a teacher!

加拿大的”夏洛特敦”号护卫舰、意大利的”龙卷风”战斗机均严以待命,准备参与此次联合空袭行动。Canadian HMCS Charlottetown warship and Italian Tornado fighters are also standing by to support the operations.

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圣诞假期期间我将在夏洛特城,希望能在这里的众多庆祝活动中遇到你。I will be in Charlottetown during the Christmas break and hopefully I will run in to you at one of the many events that will be going on.

加拿大的代表们乘坐一艘游船沿劳伦斯河航行到劳伦斯湾,抵达爱德华太子岛的夏洛特敦。The Canadian delegates sailed on board a cruise ship down the St. Lawrence River, into the Gulf of St. Lawrence, to Charlottetown on Prince Edward Island.

之前苏珊从没有见过玛丽·玛利亚阿姨,但苏珊的外甥女,她姐姐玛蒂尔达的女儿曾在夏洛特镇为她工作过,并把她所有的事都告诉了苏珊。Susan had never met Aunt Mary Maria, but a niece of Susan's, the daughter of her sister Matilda, had worked for her in Charlottetown and had told Susan all about her.