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这盘是格兰特岛的。This tape is about Grand Turk Island.

她的神庙在1686年被土耳其人破杯。Her Temple was damaged by Turk in 1686.

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格文•托克1967年生于英格兰吉尔福德。Gavin Turk was born in 1967 in Guildford, England.

特科行动组组善于挺除掉加藤的行动失败。Turk action qol at quite remove kato action failure.

这个机器人打败过像本杰明·富兰克林和拿破仑·波拿巴。The Turk defeated the likes of Benjamin Franklin and Napoleon Bonaparte.

Turk预计,美国经济要花上数年才有可能全面复苏.Turk said he expects it to be several years before the U.S. economy recovers fully.

不管垃圾信息是来自机器人程序还是机械式的土耳其攻击,它均具有一个根本的弱点。Whether spam comes from robots or mechanical turk attacks, it has one ultimate weakness.

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提出突厥虽与北周有过合从伐北齐的经历,然而北齐之灭亡并非突厥与北周合从的结果。My conclusion is that northern Qi wasn't defeated by Turk and northern Chou but by itself.

骑马,打猎,在日光下豪迈地吸烟,他们认为这些才是白人应该干的To ride, to hunt, to smoke like a Turk in the sunshine, there's the destiny of the white man.

长期的相互影响使突厥民族从中原地区吸收了大量先进的汉族文化。Under the great influence of Han, Turk absorbed a lot of advanced culture from Central Plain.

这两种不同类型政府的当代范例就是土耳其和法兰西王国。Contemporary examples of these two different kinds of governments are the Turk and the King of France.

Turk在欧洲广受追捧,甚至与本杰明。弗兰克林和拿破仑齐名。The Turk toured Europe to great acclaim, even besting such luminaries as Benjamin Franklin and Napoleon.

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加拉塔萨雷的新球场在上个赛季中期启用了。Ali Sami Yen Sports Complex Arena Turk Telekom, Galatasaray's new stadium, opened in the middle of last season.

照片上是一群穿着衬衫在会议桌上积极地做俯卧撑的年轻人,下面可笑的写着,“领导者的测试”。"The Tests of a Leader", it blares, under a photo of some shirt-sleeved young Turk doing push-ups on a boardroom table.

自从1453年君士坦丁堡的城门最终被奥斯曼帝国攻破之后,西方世界对拜占庭文明的偏见与日俱增。After Byzantine was beaten by Turk in the year of 1453, western People looked down on Byzantine civilization increasingly.

该词为突厥语所借用的历史相当古远,约始于西周至春秋时期。Turk language borrowed the word very long ago, which started from between the period of XiZhou Dynasty and ChunQiu period.

我跟特科格鲁并肩作战已经很多年了,是他陪伴我度过了职业生涯的前半段,如今看到他回来我真的是非常开心。Well, I have been together with Turk for years. Hedo was with me early in my career and I´m so glad now that he´s back again.

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既然机器土耳其人已经“葬身火海”,机器人的最后拥有者的儿子1857年决定是揭秘的时候了。In 1857, the son of the Turk's final owner decided that since the Turk was "deceased", it was time for his secrets to be revealed.

事实上特克已经没有以前那么好了,但是他任然是猛龙这个赛季进攻的重要因素。The fact that Turk is already worn out drops his value some, although he should still be a major factor in the Raptors offense this season.

现传承于阿尔泰语系或突厥语民族中的许多英雄史诗,原来都是传承于某一氏族或部族的部族史诗。So many hero epics spread in Aletai and Turk language family now, but originally they are tribal epics which are handed down in certain clans or tribes.