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你给它的元数据了吗?Do you have metadata for it?

将出现“清除元数据”菜单。The Metadata Cleanup menu appears.

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定义了如何处理EXIF数据。Defines how to handle EXIF metadata.

它们只能从元数据入手。They only have metadata to work from.

切换到清除元数据提示符。Switch to the metadata cleanup prompt.

元数据标记是一个四个字节的数字。A metadata token is a four-byte number.

访问一个资产的运行时元数据Access the run time metadata of an asset

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为指定表载入元数据。Obtains the metadata for the named table.

通过属性表定义元数据。Define the metadata through property sheets.

您只需使用元数据对此进行更改。You made this change simply by using metadata.

这种新方式只对元数据进行日志记录。This new mode works by journaling metadata only.

元数据表引用其他的表和堆。Metadata tables reference other tables and heaps.

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看到不同的元数据研究互相结合是一件好事。It's good to see various metadata efforts coalesce.

为设计时元数据创建一个单独的程序集。Create a separate assembly for design-time metadata.

为指定表载入元数据。Returns the metadata for all tables in the database.

首先,每个分区都有自己的元数据子集。First, each partition has its own subset of metadata.

您可以看到我的元数据是不完整的为体裁。You can see that my metadata is incomplete for Genre.

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把术语和类别上传到元数据存储库中Upload terms and categories to the metadata repository

为指定数据控件设置表元数据。Sets the table metadata for the specified data control.

最后,提出了一种制造联盟资源计划元数据框架。Finally a kind of MARP metadata framework is introduced.