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我喜欢购物。I love shopping.

一块儿去购物。Go shopping together.

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现在是选课期间This is shopping period.

萨莉阿姨去购物。Aunt Sally went shopping.

其他人去购物。Other people go shopping.

我昨天去购物了。I went shopping yesterday.

然后他带我去购物。Then he takes me shopping.

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她举起一个购物袋。She held up a shopping bag.

购物在贝洛奥里藏特。Shopping in Belo Horizonte.

每星期只去购物一次。Only go shopping once a week.

她完央佻成去购物。She's all for going shopping.

使用可回收利用的购物袋。Use recyclable shopping bags.

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首先女人为什么喜欢逛街?First why women like shopping?

他买东西去了。He is out doing some shopping.

我喜欢古着购物。I like to go vintage shopping.

你对逛街买东西有何看法?What do you think of shopping?

我去买点儿东西。I have some shopping to do now.

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欢迎来到江铃汽车采购中心!Welcome to JMC Shopping Center!

这个购物袋可真下流!How cheeky is this shopping bag?

我那时会在崇光百货随便逛。I'll be at Sogo window shopping.