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我欣然地说好的,然后就挂断了。I said yes agreeably , and hanged off.

“我也这么想,”嘉莉附和着说。"I expect so, " said Carrie, agreeably.

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而且朋友声音愉快地指弹。And the companion voice thrummed agreeably.

彼得和善地向待者管理员马克斯点点头。Peter nodded agreeably to max, the head waiter.

那么,这便是对我们的问题的一个共许的简单回答。Here then is an agreeably simple answer to our question.

当我们不同意对方的意见时,我们也应该镇静自若。When we disagree, we should agree to disagree agreeably.

澳洲树种,酸的葫芦状果实。Australian tree having an agreeably acid gourd-like fruit.

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并且,当我们不同意的时候,我们应该同意愉快地不同意。And, when we disagree, we should agree to disagree agreeably.

埃塞尔伯特正在房内最远的那个角落里十分欢快地忙着。Ethelbert was most agreeably occupied in the furthest corner of the room.

因此如何做到求同存异,对双方的有效沟通都显得极为重要。As a result, it is very important to let the two parts agree to disagree agreeably.

哲学上最奇怪的议点也会愉快地引起我们微妙机敏的感觉。Philosophy's queerest arguments tickle agreeably our sense of subtlety and ingenuity.

超薄机身设计,机身高度仅有14.5CM,满足不同家居需要。Super Thin body design with the height of only 14.5CM agreeably meets with the home demand.

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有俄罗斯金属乐队演奏的歌曲,诸如“忧郁”和“是否原谅我”完全符合这种恐怖而且病态的氛围。Songs by such Russian metal bands as Melancholy and Forgive-Me-Not keep patrons agreeably morbid.

那人要找话和姑娘搭讪,就客气地问她喜欢不喜欢她的新工作。The man, by way of beginning the conversation, agreeably asked the girl how she liked her new job.

老师非常高兴地批改着考卷,因为她的学生都考得不错。The teacher is correcting the examination papers agreeably because all her students have done well in the examination.

又想起,依照着毕达哥拉所著的黄金诗中,平时勤于检视是必须的。Conceiving then, that, agreeably to the advice of Pythagoras in his Golden Verses, daily examination would be necessary.

次受喜爱的是帷幕守护者,以诡谲的手段和奥秘技能与玛司提苟斯之道一致地共鸣。Nearly as favored are the Guardians of the Veil , whose subtle ways and Arcane Skills resonate agreeably with the Mastigos Path.

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那些在过去担心最坏情况的人如今欣然惊讶于香港仍然是一个总体繁荣和开放的社会。Those who feared the worst back then are now agreeably surprised that Hong Kong remains a generally prosperous and open society.

手掌指骨的尺侧副韧带受的伤,通俗的说就是猎场看护人手指。Injury to the ulnar collateral ligament of the metacarpophalangeal joint trips off the tongue more agreeably as gamekeeper's thumb.

此品拥有布面光滑、轻薄柔软、透气性好、穿着适意等优点。It is good and wearing the advantage agreeably that it is smooth, light and thin and soft, ventilative that this product has cloth covers.