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模组相关的档案下载专区。All regarding the Privateer mod of files download area.

因为基德之前是个受雇于英国的海盗搜捕船长,但是这次袭击被认定为海盗行为。Since Kidd was a privateer for the British, this attack was considered an act of piracy.

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这种传统对他的影响是如此之深,以致他经常被人们称为“海盗厨师”。This heritage has so influenced his cuisine that Roellinger is often referred to as "the privateer chef."

当英国和西班牙处于战争状态时,摩根的身份是一名海盗船长For some time while England and Spain were at war Morgan operated as a privateer. Later he became a pirate.

在私掠船船员阿斯塔尔塔的帮助下,伊索尔德追踪到了杀人凶手——海盗王哈拉万船长。With the help of the privateer Astarta, Isolder was able to track down the murderer, the Pirate King Captain Harravan.

在接下来的两年里,他假扮成私掠船船长,混迹于海皮斯星团的黑社会,寻找杀害哥哥的凶手。He posed as a privateer for two years, exploring the underworld of the Hapes Cluster in search of his brother's murderer.

他捕获了几支大型的船支,然后将战利品转移到当他是海盗船长时指挥的那条船上去。He captured several large treasure ships and then loaded his booty onto the ship that he captained when he was a privateer.

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历史学家在即的到底是否是海盗,抑或是武装民船--由政府资助打击敌人的船只或船长--的问题上产生分歧。Historians differ on whether Kidd was actually a pirate or a privateer — a ship or captain paid by a government to battle the enemy.

海盗船长不认为是一个真正的海盗,因为他们持有国家政府签发的叫做“私掠许可证”的特殊通行证。A privateer was not considered to be a true pirate because they were given special licenses called a Letter of Marque from a nations government.

2008年世界汽车拉力锦标赛青年组冠军奥吉尔,在上个赛季首次参加瑞典拉力赛就发现自己很难跟上勒布,以及雪铁龙私人车手皮特·索伯格。Ogier, the 2008 Junior world champion, made his Rally Sweden debut last season and could find it hard to outgun Loeb and Citroen privateer Petter Solberg.

他知道他是不再年轻,所以他冲过终点线,并加入了反对派了,现在作为国王乔治二世私工作,”拉什解释。He knows he is not getting any younger, so he has crossed the line and joined up with the opposition and now works as a privateer for King George II, " explains Rush."

其弟弟皮特将前往南美,不过他将驾驶皮特索伯格世界拉力车队的私人雪铁龙DS3赛车。Younger brother Petter will be making the trip to South America, however, where he will drive his privateer Citroen DS3 WRC under the Petter Solberg World Rally Team banner.

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1696年基德不情愿地为英格兰变成了一名海盗并被要求在公海上与其它海盗作战,抢夺他们的货物,并同国王分享战利品。In 1696 Kidd reluctantly became a privateer for England and was expected to fight pirates on the open sea, seize their cargoes, and provide a hefty share of the spoils to the Crown.

作为一名英国海盗的船长,他创造了自己的财富,组建了一支军队。在对抗西班牙和荷兰海盗时夺得他们的船只,并掠夺了他们的城镇,他由此而名声大噪。As a privateer and a captain with the English, he built his wealth, amassed an army and grew his reputation in campaigns against the Spanish and Dutch by capturing enemy ships and sacking their towns.