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洞穴边缘,朝露盈盈。And the brink of the dewy caves.

这缀满了露酒的麝香蔷薇The coming musk-rose, full of dewy wine

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麝香蔷薇日日长,披满露珠似酒浆。The coming musk-rose, full of dewy wine.

我喜欢你那双水灵灵的眼睛和迷人的身材。I like your dewy eyes and charming figure.

可以。他的眼睛水灵灵的,眉毛宽宽的。His eyes are dewy and his eyebrows are broad.

这侍女便为之悲恸,泪珠如夜露涔涔。Which makes the maid weep like the dewy night.

她的眼睛水灵灵的,她的嘴唇又薄又红。Her eyes are dewy and her lips are thin and ruddy.

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女人的服饰,带露的丁香,山谷中的歌声。Women's dresses, dewy lilacs, a song in the valley.

就是没告诉你还有像伊犁这么湿润的绿洲。But they didn't tell you there are also dewy oases in Ili.

含水肌肤看上去比较饱满,所以皱纹也不那么明显。Hydrated skin is dewy and plumper, so lines are less obvious.

我经常趴在满是露水的草地上,只为了离近一点观察。I often lie down in the dewy grass just to get a closer look.

可以。他的眼睛水灵灵的,眉毛宽宽的。It's a pleasure. His eyes are dewy and his eyebrows are broad.

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基本配方包含麝香,香草,岩兰草和薰豆。Base notes are composed of dewy musk, vanilla, vetiver, and tonka bean.

皇太后的花园及行宫是从不曾凋谢的一支带露玫瑰。Empress Dowager of the palace and gardens from the withers not a dewy rose.

我们也许会这样想,早晨的露珠已经把空气中大量的水分凝结成露水,所以没有足够的水分产生暴雨。dewy morning, much of the atmosphere’s moisture has already condensed out as

名园封植几经春,露湿烟梢画不真。After a spring garden plants were closed, smoke shoot dewy painting is not true.

我无论如何也不能理解为什么一说起过去人们就会那么容易动情和伤感。I can never understand why people become dewy -eyed and sentimental about the past.

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我喜欢赤足走向我家的信箱,在沾着露水的草地上留下脚印。I liked walking to the mailbox in my bare feet and leaving footprints on the dewy grass.

这个店员用一把短刀划开了这条鱼的肚子,把那些湿漉漉的呈浅褐色的内脏扔进桶里。The man slit the creature's belly with a short knife, spilling the dewy beige guts into a bucket.

在店员操起短刀剖开鱼肚,拽出泛着湿气的米黄色内脏丢进了桶里。The man slit the creature’s belly with a short knife, spilling the dewy beige guts into a bucket.