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你必须要非常自信、很热忱。You have to be assertive and cordial.

火相星座的特质使白羊座具有非常自信的自我力量。The Fire element of Aries brings assertive "I" energy.

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他们需要做的第一件事就是变得更自信一点。The first thing they must do is to become more assertive.

您的友善依然可以建立在自信和自重的基础上。You can be nice and still be assertive or stand up for yourself.

人生在世,不论做什么事情,要想成功,必须要有主见。Life, regardless of do anything to succeed, there must be assertive.

主动进取不等于对别人不感兴趣、傲慢或不耐烦。Being assertive doesn't mean being uninterested, arrogant or impatient.

对于宝瓶座一个显而易见的事实是,他们都是善于思考的人,有很好的解决事情的能力。Another fact about Aquarians is they are well-organized and very assertive.

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敲响了我内心中那段共鸣的铃音。Something that resonated inside me like the assertive crisp ring of a bell.

或许逃避更加简单,但是你必须用自信来面对和解决它。It might seem easier to avoid it but, you need to be assertive and resolve it.

在这样的陶冶下,王子对大鼻子是美的象征坚信无疑。The Prince grew up assertive that a long nose was a affection of great adorableness.

我将被国会和日益武断的官僚机构压挤得透不过气来。I would be ground down between the Congress and the increasingly assertive bureaucracy.

但是,她并没有成为大家所期待的端庄的皇后,而是武断的、野心勃勃的。But, instead of being the demure queen expected of her, she was assertive and ambitious.

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相反的,由于女性的雌激素分泌随着年龄降低,她们会变得更刚硬。Conversely, as a woman's estrogen level decreases with age, she will become more assertive.

过于自信的中国人与渴求工作的美国人正为一场横跨太平洋的贸易战争添柴加火。Assertive Chinese and job-hungry Americans are gearing up for a trade war across the Pacific.

你也可协助他学习,如何在施霸凌者面前是坚强的、却不会侵犯的。You also might want to help her learn how to be assertive with bullies without being aggressive.

代表步履力与决断能量的火星,将议决同伴联系的第七宫。The planet of action and assertive energy, Mars, will be touring your seventh house of partnerships.

关于帮助你的孩子变得更自信,你有什么意见或问题的,请在下面给我们留言。Do you have thoughts or questions on helping your child become more assertive? Leave a comment below!

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“是”从代词演变为断定系词,进而成为焦点标记,是语法界普遍接受的事实。It is generally accepted that Shi evolved from a pronoun to a assertive copular and to a focus marker.

给一个消极被动的男人补充睾酮后,会激发出他的热情,使他变得更为自信和独立。Give a passive man testosterone and it will fire him up and he'll become more assertive and self-reliant.

随着大规模军事演习及巨大的能源交易,俄罗斯在亚洲变得越发自信起来。With large-scale military exercises and huge energy deals, Russiahas been increasingly assertive in Asia.