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他因破产而身心交瘁。The bankruptcy curled him up.


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经营人破产的?。The bankruptcy of the operator.

破产文化是独一无二的。The culture of bankruptcy is unique.

债务不会因破产而免予偿还。The debt can't be shed in bankruptcy.

2010年初,Escom宣布破产。Escom declared bankruptcy in early 2010.

乙别无选择只能宣告破产。B had no choice but to declare bankruptcy.

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这家商行正逐渐走向破产吗?Is the business drifting towards bankruptcy?

另外一个限制是破产成本The other qualification is bankruptcy costs.

代价是战略的丢失和道德的沦丧。The price is strategic and moral bankruptcy.

2001年安然公司根据第十一章申请破产保护。Enron filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2001.

据悉,一些医院已申请破产。Some hospitals have even filed for bankruptcy.

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Webvan于2001年以破产法第11章告终。Webvan ended in Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2001.

“破产总在发生,”阿鲁达表示。"Bankruptcy is always around, " Mr Arruda says.

经济不景气造成数千万的破产。The recession has caused thousands of bankruptcy.

但是她的职业生涯却让她从事与破产法相关的工作。But her career led elsewhere, into bankruptcy law.

他的失败宣告了公司的破产。His failure knelled the bankruptcy of the company.

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克莱斯勒的这一行为已被破产法院批准。The move has been approved by the bankruptcy courts.

沈重的债务迫使公司破产。Heavy liabilities forced the company into bankruptcy.

我实在累极了,便上床睡觉,我决定邮箱破产了。I went to bed and decided to declare email bankruptcy.