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纯果乐是一个拥有60年历史的品牌。Tropicana is a 60-year-old brand.

纯果乐作为一个伟大的名字进入到消费者心中,建立了一个新的产品类型。Tropicana got into the mind with a great name and built a new category.

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上个月,百事公司决定对纯果乐的包装进行一次彻底的改变。Last month, PepsiCo introduced a major overhaul of the Tropicana packaging.

美国人有自己钟爱的品牌。All across America people are falling in love with their brands. Tropicana orange juice.

时至今日,纯果乐仍然是全球速冻橙汁市场的主导品牌。Today, Tropicana remains the dominant brand and the world leader in chilled orange juice.

纯果乐在消费者心中成了“非浓缩,真正的新鲜橙汁”的代名词。Tropicana owns not-from-concentrate in the mind and is the "real thing" in fresh orange juice.

纯果乐新包装的最糟糕之处在于新包装丢弃了他们标志性的橙子和吸管。One of the worst things about the Tropicana redesign was the loss of the iconic orange and straw.

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我浴室中的剔须装备一直没有动过。In the newly appealing club tropicana of my bathroom, the shaving accoutrements remained untouched.

昨晚王在纯品康纳球场重新加入队友们,受到正闹投手荒的洋基大大欢迎。Wang rejoined his teammates at Tropicana Field last night, a welcome sight for the pitching -starved Yankees.

纯果乐随后放弃了速冻浓缩产品业务,把精力完全集中在新鲜的、“非浓缩的”果汁产品上。Tropicana then dropped the frozen concentrate product and focused entirely on the fresh, "not-from-concentrate" product.

休斯行政大楼和大峡谷终端可以从特罗皮卡纳阿夫或科瓦尔圣签署飞机飞行的支持是用于私人,可从拉斯维加斯大道访问。Hughes Executive Terminal and Grand Canyon Terminal can be accessed from Tropicana Ave or Koval St. Signature Flight Support is used for private planes and can be accessed from Las Vegas Blvd.

现在,一些谷物早餐、果汁饮料甚至是水饮料中都被商家加入了钙质。It is now built into such things as Kellogg's Coco Pops, breakfast bars such as the Frosties Cereal and Milk bar, some Tropicana orange juices and even a calcium-enriched water called Danone Activ.

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同时,还为近日某些营销灾难所累,包括纯果乐果汁运动,被认为是自可口可乐推出新可乐以来最失败的品牌变身之一。And it has suffered from some recent marketing disasters, including a campaign for Tropicana fruit juice that is widely regarded as one of the worst brand makeovers since Coca-Cola launched New Coke.