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补编事实。Supplement Facts.

如果摄入不足,需要补充。If not, take a supplement.

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注意补钙。Take a calcium supplement.

这是该书的补遗。This is the supplement to the book.

多种维生素和矿物质补充剂。Multi-vitamin and mineral supplement.

你们发行增刊的优待券吗?Could you issue the supplement coupons?

不喝奶,只吃辅食。Do not drink milk, eat food supplement.

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吃鱼或者含鱼油的食品。Eat fish or take a fish-oil supplement.

象形文字开始作为符号的增补。Word-signs began to supplement signals.

这是辅食添加的原则。This is the principle of food supplement.

或者每天吃越桔补品。Or take a bilberry supplement every morning.

补充一些欧米伽-3或者多元维生素片。Take an omega- 3 supplement or multivitamin.

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使用前请充分摇匀,每天有规律的使用。SHAKE WELL, use daily as a dietary supplement.

设有锁匙式温度补正常功能。With key type temperature supplement functions.

肌酸被当作营养支持物销售。Creatine is marketed as a nutritional supplement.

以每日1-2茶匙作为膳食补充剂。Take 1-2 teaspoons daily as a dietary supplement.

这种补充是对怀孕的一种保障。The supplement is insurance in case of pregnancy.

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什么人最可能需要维他命B补充品?Who is most likely to need a B-vitamin supplement?

不含酒精草本配方,儿童喜爱的口感!Alcohol-Free Herbal Supplement Kids Love the Taste!

当然,这种婴儿补充物的发展还有很长的路要走。Still, such an infant supplement is a long way off.