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我是个美国人,到西西里来避避风头。I'm an American, hiding in Sicily.

发现西西里,探索这个世界。Discover Sicily and discover the world.

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罗马先将迦太基人赶出西西里岛。Rome pushed the Carthaginians from Sicily.

我认为在西西里被你打耳光的那个士兵,。I think that soldier you slapped in Sicily.

在西西里岛东北部,你会发现茂密的森林。In northeastern Sicily you'll find lush forests.

西西里岛处在一个欧洲,非洲和亚洲交界处。Sicily is Europe, Africa and Asia on one island.

他以西西里防御的程式开局。His beginning position was stylized Sicily Defence.

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我本人就喜欢来自那布勒斯和西西里岛的南部地区的食物。I do love the southern dishes of Naples and Sicily.

他的皮肤和骨骼现在保存在西西里的大教堂中。His skin and bones are kept in a Cathedral in Sicily.

认为整个西西里岛和北那不勒斯和坎帕巴索。Felt throughout Sicily and north to Naples and Campobasso.

到公元前241年,他们已把迦太基人赶出西西里。By 241 B. C. they had driven the Carthaginians out of Sicily.

利帕里岛是伊奥利亚群岛中最大的岛群,位于西西里岛北部。Lipari is the largest of the Aeolian Islands north of Sicily.

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在西西里,有四百个整齐排列的坟墓。There are four hundred neatly marked graves somewhere in Sicily.

在西西里,法赖斯和阿登战役中获胜。He won in Sicily Campaign, Falaise Campaign and Ardenne Campaign.

熔岩从西西里岛埃特纳火山的瓦尔德博韦流出。Lava flows from Mount Etna's Valle del Bove, on the island of Sicily.

最后,我们来到,西西里岛东海岸Then finally, down we go to Sicily and there you have the east coast.

西西里岛上的埃特纳火山星期三爆发,岩浆奔流入海。Lava heads for the sea as Mount Etna erupts Wednesday night on Sicily.

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可以说,九月是浏览西西里的最美好月份。September is arguably the loveliest month of the year to visit Sicily.

一群有钱人开着游艇在西西里岛附近的海上游弋。A group of wealthy friends are cruising the sea near Sicily on a yacht.

实际上西西里的西部依然在迦太基的控制之下。Actually the western portion of Sicily remained under Carthaginian control.