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没有人知道如何平息这样的情绪。No one knows how to quell the uncertainty.

这种药可减轻你的喉痛。This medicine will quell your sore throat.

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你想让那些药丸来减轻你的恶心?That pill you want to take to quell your nausea?

他的行动无助平息传言。His actio have done little to quell the eculation.

困难和挫折从来就压不住他们的好奇心。Difficulties and setbacks never quell their curiosity.

“现在,祈祷的是,”我们可以平息我们的神阿修罗。Now the prayer is that "we Gods may quell our Asura foemen."

警察奉命出动以平息一场小规模的骚乱。The police have been called in to quell a minor disturbance.

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失败者们会为了党内的团结而停止他们的抱怨。The losers and maimed quell their sniffling for the sake of unity.

支持商业并反对堕胎,支持伊战并认为应增加军队来平抚暴力。Supports the Iraq war and argued for additional troops to quell the violence.

尽管如此,4.5万人的警察部队似乎仍然无法找到平息动乱的方法。Still, the 45,000-strong police seem unable to find a way to quell the unrest.

据说,从羚羊角上刮下一些粉末用水冲服,可以起到养肝、退烧的作用。Horn shavings, boiled in water, are said to quieten the liver and quell fevers.

尽管如此,4.5万人的警察部队似乎仍然无法找到平息动乱的方法。Still, the 45, 000-strong police seem unable to find a way to quell the unrest.

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美国军方表示其帮助伊军平息了发生在巴格达萨德尔城的一场暴动。The US military says it has helped quell an insurgent uprising in Baghdad's SadrCity.

雅利安人内部的派系越来越希望利用水晶能量对付敌人。Factions within Aryan increasingly sought to use crystal energy to quell the adversaries.

为了平息炎症,吃富含抗氧化剂的食品,如草莓,橙子,和芦笋。To quell inflammation, eat antioxidant-rich foods such as berries, oranges, and asparagus.

留下良好第一印象的最好办法之一就是消除面试前的紧张。One of the best ways to make a good first impression is to quell any pre-interview jitters.

他能一面快速地吃饭,一面言辞强硬地说话,给同他一起就餐的人留下了很好的印象。One of the best ways to make a good first impression is to quell any pre-interview jitters.

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她表示,仅仅抑制胃酸从胃部上涌是不够的。In these patients, she says, it’s not enough to quell the acid sloshing up from the stomach.

老虎开口说话了,人们非常吃惊,尽管这并不能减轻他们的恐惧。The people were much amazed at this, although it did nothing whatsoever to quell their fear.

但是一些中国人希望运用一种有创意的高等骗术来压制这种骚扰。But some Chinese hope to quell the harassment with a little high-technology-inspired deception.