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没有垃圾邮件,也不骗局。No spam, nor scam.

为黑暗的诡计在准备。Be prepared for the murkiest scam.

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谨防付费调查诈骗网站。Beware of paid survey scam websites.

为防受骗,防患未然是关键。The key to avoiding this scam is awareness.

其实,Cacella的邮轮事件是一个非常典型的诈骗。Actually, Cacella’s cruise is a textbook scam.

真是一个畸形的笑话,我敢说,这是一个骗局。It's a freaking joke, dare I say, even a scam.

对凯莉而言,这个研讨会就是来骗钱的。As far as Carrie's concerned, the seminar is a scam.

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我们不想恶搞什么人,也不想讽刺什么事。We're not trying to scam anyone or satirize anything.

与这些骗子争论真的很累。Tussling with scam artists online can be quite tiring.

我甚至有你和Scam一起做的地下音乐。I even got the underground shit that you did with Scam.

那对搭档设了一计以消除各自的债务。The duo set up a scam to settle their respective debts.

骗子往往利用人的贪欲骗取钱财。Often , the swindlers scam by trading on people"s greed."

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他们的骗局是卖假中药给老人。Their scam is selling fake Chinese medicine to old people.

我们认为这是一个宏伟的骗案,而它仍在进行中!We think it was a magnificent scam and it's still in process!

关于这次欺诈,全世界的国家已被提醒。The nations of the world have now been notified about this scam.

因为我在传销骗局中失利,我急需钱用。I need the money because I lost out in a pyramid investment scam.

“CCSVI”是垃圾研究,并且他的解放性治疗是一种骗局。"CCSVI" is junk science and his "liberation" treatment is a scam.

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从前,一个朋友希望我帮他去做一个保险欺诈。A while ago, a friend asked me to help him with an insurance scam.

全国各地的骗子都利用投机商号来欺骗老年人。Crooks acro the country are using bucket sho to scam older people.

在强调审美的意大利文化里,巧妙的小诡计很有市场。In the Italian culture of aesthetics, the artful scam has its place.