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它只是联结而已。It's just association.

它只是一种关联性。It's just an association.

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青年招待所协会。The Youth Hostels Association.

中国长号大号协会理事。China trombone tuba Association.

青年招待所协会。Mum. The Youth Hostels Association.

维萨信用卡国际协会?。VIA? Visa International Association?

使用“研究生会”代替。Use "postgraduate association"instead.

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参加一个协会并在里面积极的表现。Join, and be active in, an association.

九龙猪栏商会。Kowloon Pig Laan Merchants Association.

他和简曾有过不正当关系。He had an illicit association with Jane.

微软俱乐部不仅仅是一个社团,更是一个家。MSTC is a home more than an association.

九龙鲜鱼商会。Kowloon Fresh Fish Merchants Association.

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总会畱下丝欢乐旳线索。Association of joy left the slightest clue.

1940年出生,中国美协会员。Born in 1940, Chinese painters' association.

组织是否可以被拒绝法人化?Can an association be refused incorporation?

欢迎来到缘幻天公会!Welcome to the association of YuanHuanTian !

那我们怎样映射多对多关系呢?So, how do we map a many-to-many association?

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视频电子标准协会?。VESA? Video Electronics Standards Association?

学校有没有长期的家-校委员会?Does the school have a Home-School Association?

每家展商发送会刊一本。Give the exhibitors an association publication.