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伊玛目清真寺的圆顶。Dome of Eman Mosque.

我们都生活在穹顶下。We are all under the dome.

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半穹崖下的手套……Gloves at Half Dome by you.

圆屋顶包了金。The dome is overlaid with gold.

八根柱子支撑着这个大圆顶。Eight columns uphold the big dome.

顶部中央是一个玻璃质圆顶The centre of the top is a glass dome

那阳光普照的殿堂,那雪窟冰窟!That sunny dome ! those caves of ice !

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漂亮的曼海姆教堂穹顶。The beautiful dome of Mannheim church.

王师傅是修理自行车的能手。The dome of the church is under repair.

这种对视宁度的影响可称为圆顶视宁度。This affect can be called "dome seeing".

东京巨蛋的租用费要多少钱?。How much is the rental fee of TOKYO DOME?

患了吧,咱们昨天早上才来过这搭的。Dome on, we were here only yesterday morning!

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命名为富勒的短程线圆顶结构。Fuller named this structure the geodesic dome.

对空海登天文馆圆顶内。The inside of the empty Hayden Planetarium dome.

教堂的弯顶和双峙塔现在依然很抢眼。Its dome and twin towers still catch the eye now.

我们住在海底的一个圆屋顶下。We lived under a dome at the bottom of the ocean.

有八根柱子支撑这个大圆顶。There are eight columns which uphold the big dome.

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现在,你要听到的是弗雷德·普雷根提到铁穹了。Now, you heard Fred Pleitgen mention the Iron Dome.

球型屋顶是一个形状像球体的结构。dome is a structure shaped like a piece of a sphere.

这几根柱子撑得住那个圆形屋顶吗?。Are these pillars strong enough to keep up that dome?