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他快速驾车驶离。He drove away rapidly.

他很快就后悔了。He was repenting rapidly.

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警报迅速传开。The alarm spread rapidly.

夜迅速变暗了。The night darkles rapidly.

他迅速把头低下。He vailed his head rapidly.

咱们正在迅速机械化。We are mechanizing rapidly.

但情绪往往变化无常。But moods can change rapidly.

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新的印刷机印得很快。The new press prints rapidly.

中国正在迅速西方化。China is rapidly Westernizing.

他的病情急速恶化。His condition rapidly worsened.

她迅速地把自行车向后挪开。She retreated her bike rapidly.

变异非常迅速的致命病毒。Rapidly mutating deadly viruses.

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她迅速地更换了衣服。She changed her clothes rapidly.

现在消息传播很快。News flies about rapidly nowadays.

此金属传热快。The metal propagates heat rapidly.

该帝国迅速变得野蛮起来。The empire was barbarizing rapidly.

油快就渗到木头里去。The oil rapidly sank into the wood.

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水很快地渗透了表土。Water sank rapidly through topsoil.

那种观点在这儿正迅速得到人们的公认。That view is rapidly obtaining here.

他们迅速将水龙带卷好。They reeled the hosepipe in rapidly.