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现在可以进行增量式的更新。An incremental update is now possible.

此外,它还支持增量式的文件更新。It also supports incremental file updates.

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“一般说来,我们做增量变化”他说。"Generally, we do incremental changes, " he says.

正如我们所知,变革往往是缓慢和渐进的。And as we all know, change is often slow and incremental.

徐星认为羽毛进化是一个渐增的过程。Xu envisions feather evolution as an incremental process.

采用渐进式改善,基本的平台底子总是不变的。In incremental improvement, the basic platform is unchanged.

随着时间的流逝,这种微量的升高积累了起来。Over time, these kinds of small and incremental rises add up.

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我用增量式设计构建了这个模式实例。I created the example for that pattern using incremental design.

如果一个页面未发生任何更改,增量备份就会跳过它。If nothing changes on the page, the incremental backup skips it.

但这也只是一种对传统BPM的渐进改进罢了。But this is just an incremental improvement over traditional BPM.

在M100可以测试所有流行的增量编码器配置。The M100 can test all popular incremental encoder configurations.

对接口的递增更改更加难于管理。Incremental changes to the interface are more difficult to manage.

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从提供的下拉列表中选择增量荷载名称。Select the Incremental Load name from the drop-down list provided.

增值性的革新通常花的成本少,并且容易成功。Incremental innovation generally costs less and is easier to achieve.

下面的步骤向您展示了如何执行增量备份和恢复。The steps below show you how to do an incremental backup and restore.

价跌持仓量小幅递增,空单布局动作仍在。Modest incremental price drop positions, empty single layout still in.

通过在每次迭代发布递增的用户价值获得反馈。Enable feedback by delivering incremental user value in each iteration.

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计划中应考虑到股东权益的增加。Plans that result in incremental shareholder value should be considered.

当然,增加流动性不一定需要个人投资者参与。To be sure, retail investors are not required for incremental liquidity.

最后针对用于批量更新的增量DBSCAN聚类算法,提出了本文的改进方法。Finally, improves on methods about the incremental DBSCAN in a batch mode.