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雅典的集会所就是他的讲堂。The Athenian agora was his teaching room.

遗址博物馆,古安哥拉遗址,雅典,希腊。Agora Museum, Ancient Agora, Athens, Greece.

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俯视古希腊罗马旧址的广场遗迹,阿波罗尼亚。Overhead of Agora ruins at Greek-Roman site, Apollonia.

弗莱先生后来加入了阿格拉公司,出任总编。Mr. Fry subsequently joined Agora Inc., as Editorial Director.

人们不再需要聚集到集市上来做生意了。No longer do people have to gather round the agora to do their business.

这是思想的汇聚,一个在日益数字化的世界里可以强调书籍的作用。It is an agora of ideas, a place that might reinforce the role of books in an increasingly digitized world.

我们喜欢把雅典想象成穿着长袍的公民在神庙和集市前若有所思地徘徊着,思考着深奥的哲学问题。We like to think of Athens as a place where robed citizens wandered thoughtfully through the Parthenon and agora.

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埃里克J.弗莱阿格拉是一名财经新闻主编,他任国际股票专家约20余载。Eric J. Fry, Agora Financial's Editorial Director, has been a specialist in international equities for nearly two decades.

当卫城是城市的仪式典范时,那古市场就是雅典经典的真实心脏。While the Acropolis was the city's ceremonial showpiece, it was the Ancient Agora that was the real heart of classical Athens.

大多都是在我们知道,这里有座城邦之后的一个世纪左右才建立起来,而且集市的发展是循序渐进的They show up a century or more typically after we know that there is a polis there, and the agora comes about in a gradual way.

城市的遗迹大多可以追溯到古希腊时期,其中包括卫城、阿波罗神庙、广场和色雷斯人建造的堡垒剩下的一面墙。The city's remains, which date mostly from the Hellenistic period, include the acropolis, a temple of Apollo, an agora and a wall from the Thracian fortifications.

喀洛斯死后三年过去了,穆赛德斯向国王派遣了使者,而忒格亚集市上则有传言说那座伟大的雕像已经完成了。Three years after the death of Kalos, Musides despatched a messenger to the Tyrant, and it was whispered in the agora at Tegea that the mighty statue was finished.

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丰富的木材,温暖的材料定义内部的装饰,而布局的中心是围绕一个经典的“集市”正如建筑的民主设计过程。Rich woods, and warm materials define the interior palate, while the layout is centered on a classical "agora" as a nod to the building's democratic design process.

所有这些空间都通过一个集合被连接,集合的形态、有形性和自然采光产生了一种自然的氛围,使人产生一种漫步溪流边的联想。All these spaces are articulated through an agora whose morphology, materiality and natural lighting procure a natural atmosphere which recalls the one enjoyed touring the stream.

这是一个极其炫丽多彩的剧院,建筑是整体城市规划的一部分,旨在复兴这个城镇中心。The Agora Theatre is an extremely colourful, determinedly upbeat place. The building is part of the masterplan for Lelystad by Adriaan Geuze, which aims to revitalize the pragmatic, sober town centre.