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艺术,来源于小鸟般的鸣叫。Art, from a tweet.

艺术,来源于小鸟般的鸣叫。太有魅力了。Art, from a tweet. Fascinating.

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Twitter用户一秒钟收到信息提醒750次。Twitterers tweet 750 times a second.

尝试安装成140个字符的鸣叫。Try fitting that into a 140-character tweet.

我从来不知到下条推特消息是什么。I never know what the next tweet is going to be.

但我不会鸣叫,不会打扰你的清静。But I won't tweet , won't perturb you from the peace.

或许这次的决定是由领袖一人作出的。Perhaps this has all been done by one Tweet by il duce.

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因为它有意思,而且它能鼓励用户转发更多博文!Because it’s fun, and it encourages users to tweet more!

他们周五的时候还直接从天空发来了微博呢。And they sent a tweet directly from the heavens on Friday.

同样,你可以给我们留言,@scifri,或者给我们打电话,1-800-989-8255。Also, you can tweet us, @scifri, or phone us, 1-800-989-8255.

正如大部分都知道的那样,点击它就将这条推设为“最爱”。As most of you probably know, that’s how you Favorite a tweet.

享受你将阅读到的一切,告诉我们你怎么想的。Enjoy what you are about to read. And tweet us what you think.

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是啊。他们周五的时候还直接从天空发来了微博呢。Yeah. And they sent a tweet directly from the heavens on Friday.

然后她将照片上传到了Twipic网站,又发了一个帖子。She then uploaded the photograph to Twitpic and sent out a tweet.

保持对华盛顿的压力,我们一定能够度过这一难关。Tweet. Keep the pressure on Washington, and we can get past this.

我想知道体育课上发生了什么事。I wonder what happened in the P.E. class,' she wrote in one tweet.

twitresponse和hootsuite同样具有预设定时发微博的功能。TwitResponse and Hootsuite also include scheduled tweet functions.

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不要每天只是用Twitter发布链接文章和资料。Don’t just tweet links to new articles, factsheets and call it a day.

那么你怎么能知道它是一条真实的推文,或者是蓄意运作的诽谤呢?How do you know if that's a real tweet or if it's some campaign smear?

承诺你不会在推特、脸书上宣传出去,也不会告诉你的三姑六婆。Promise you won't tweet it, Facebook it, or tell your Great Aunt Hilda.