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一个高尚的傻子?A holy fool?

神圣的霍格沃兹啊!Holy Hogwarts!

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圣球废话!Holy crap balls!

圣秩是什么?What is Holy Orders?

但我凭着圣十字架起誓!And, by the holy rood!

至圣者,我们敬拜你。Holy One, we worship You.

圣战士的玩法?A holy warrior play style?

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圣洁的尤纳塞阶级。Holy Order of the Yunasai.

这圣洁的苗裔,就是这国的馀干。The holy seed is its stump.

神阿,你的作为是洁净的。Your ways, O God, are holy.

这坛在耶和华面前为至圣。It is most holy to the Lord.

我信圣而公之教会。I believe in the Holy Spirit.

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穿兰色衣服的孩子是汤姆。The holy moly in grey is Tom.

处在高天之上的是圣洁的天父。Up in heaven is the holy God.

你要在我面前为圣洁的人。You are to be my holy people.

设若这就是大自然的神圣的旨意。If such be Nature's holy plan.

来到这拜占庭的圣城。To the holy city of Byzantium.

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乃是攻击以色列的圣者。Against the Holy One of Israel!

不便秘才怪。Holy constipation. Just saying.

从欢乐中生发出神圣的繁枝From joy the holy branches start